5- 101 Ways to Manipulate Someone

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The next morning was chaos, everyone running around trying to work out teams and people discussing what they would wish for if they won. It wasn't long before Ginny came up to her and started talking about the competition.

Hermione was sat curled up in her favourite armchair in the corner by the fire place doing some reading.

"What are you are you reading?" She looked up from her book to see Ginny right in front of her, her red hair almost looking as if it were on fire, glinting from the light of the candles in the common room.

"Just a muggle book."

"I recognise that one, I think my dad has it in the house." Hermione watched as Ginny inspected the cover. "Hmm, Pride and Prejudice. Sounds interesting."

"Actually it is quite interesting, I have only just started it, but at the moment I think that Liz might want to kill Mr Darcy even though they have only just met."

"Sounds very interesting then."

In response Hermione closed the book and sat forward, clearly Ginny wanted to talk to her about something.

Ginny sighed as she sat on the coffee table in front of her and continued talking. "Hermione, if you want you can join our team you know."

"Who is it in your team agin?" Hermione said trying to change the subject.

"Originally it was going to be me, Harry, Ron, Luna, Neville and Lavender but...Lavender...she said that she didn't want to work with me and Luna. And also Luna proposed that you join our team because if anyone is going to win, it's you but obviously Lavender decided that her and Ron were going to win no matter what."

"What did Ron have to say about it?"

"He didn't really have a choice in the matter."

"Why didn't she want to work with you though."

"I don't think she likes us very much because we took your side when Ron broke up with you."


"Me, Harry, Neville and Luna are in a team so if you want you can join our team."

"I don't even think I want to do the competition, I just want to get on with the school work and in the night I want to finish reading my book and have some coffee."

"Really you have coffee before bed?"

"Don't worry, I have it decaf before bed, I just really like the taste."

"Okay well we are going to go and put our names in the bowl of snow I'll meet you in the library later with Luna." She stated as she stood up and walked over to the door.

"Alright see you later."

Before she left she turned, "You know you can talk to me right, if you ever feel the need to I'm here."

"I know."

Ginny left the room leaving Hermione alone to read her book.

As she sat there trying to read she found that her mind kept on wandering back to Ron. She was going to make him see what she was worth and exactly what he was missing by dumping her. She closed the book once more and headed straight over to the library, this time walking slower so she wouldn't walk into Malfoy. As soon as she was there she walked over to a section on muggle studies, picked up several books on psychology and went back to her favourite corner, this time sat at one of the desks and started reading a book titled '101 ways to manipulate someone'.

After thinking and reading for a while she decided that she was going to have to do something to either make Ron miss her or make him jealous. Deep down she thought that there was a way that she wouldn't have to do anything  and eventually things would fall into place.

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