60-White hair

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She had to cover her mouth to keep from shouting out to him. Her whole sense of being felt as though it were being shattered. She looked at his face and all she could see was sorrow. No anger, or vengeance as there would normally be, it was as if he had given up completely. She had to get to him, or get a message to him. If she tried kill Voldemort now then Draco would surely be killed out of spite. Voldemort, still wearing the skin of the minister of magic, walked out onto the stage. The sword of Gryffindor in his hand.

"Witches and wizards, you have been gathered here today to witness the death of a tyrant." A large cheer emitted from the crowd in response.

Her heart sank at the words. They were going to kill him anyway. She needed help, she couldn't do this alone, not with all these people here. She stuck her hand in her satchel and quickly wrote down on a pice of paper three words, 'this is it', and apparated the paper to where she hoped help would be.

"This man, this traitor has been working with us for months but secretly he has been going by another name, the phantom." There were gasps from the crowd.

She needed to get to him. She tucked her head down and entered the crowd, trying desperately to wade through the masses. Once she had walked the distance form the door to the stage in just a few seconds but now if felt like as eternity.

"The death of this man, shall be the end of chaos, the end of destruction." Voldemort shouted to the crowd. "The death of this man, shall be the start of paradise, your new wizarding world."

She passed person after person, each one not paying her any notice, completely transfixed by their false saviour when their real saviour was chained before them, about to die.

Voldemort held the sword high in the air about to bring it down on Draco. Just as she got to the front Draco saw her. They were barely a metre a part and yet miles away. He gave her a sad smile as if he knew what was to come. No this couldn't be happening, she could barely think, even breath. This was it, she would loose him.

Suddenly, she heard a loud crash in the great hall entrance, and she turned with everyone else to see a large explosion, and before she knew it hundreds of rebels were flooding into the hall, wands raised, fight is their eyes and hope in their spirits all lead by Ron. It was then that she turned and saw Voldemort about to bring down the sword on Draco's neck.

She didn't even realise she had done it. She jumped up onto the stage and grabbed the sword between her hands. The blade just inches from Draco. She looked up into Voldemort's eyes and realised for the first time she had seen fear in his eyes.

Her silver fire then began at her hands where they griped the sword and it traveled up her arm engulfing her entire body. "This is the day you die." She whispered. The blade began to melt and the molten metal dried over her finger tips. He quickly let go of the sword, the metal burning his rotten flesh.

"You can try but you won't succeed." She looked behind her and cast a spell without using her wand, just by using her mind and unlocked the chains holding Draco to the post. Around them was chaos, fighting in every square inch of the hall.

She now switched to gripping the sword by the handle, the whole thing now glowing silver. She slashed side ways with the sword and all he could do was step back to avoid her, too weak from the diadem being destroyed to do much more.

She swiped again and this time caught the side of his arm. Voldemort now seeming to have gotten a bit of clarity pulled his wand from a holster and began shooting spell after spell at her.

Draco couldn't believe his eyes, there he was about to die, and then suddenly the one thing he thought was gone came back and saved him. He couldn't believe the power emanating from Hermione, he assumed that there would be some side effects from bringing her back to life but he never imagined that she would gain magic and powers such as this. He was in awe. Even as he toor the shackles from his hands where she shot at them with her magic he couldn't keep his eyes of her, she was incredible.

A man came onto the stage, clearly a Voldemort supporter and made to kill Hermione from behind. Draco had no wand so he used what he could. His fist collided with the man's lower jaw, and he grabbed him by the collar and punched until the man when unconscious. With his now bloody hands he bent and picked up the man's wand, wincing in pain from his torn back.

He looked back to Hermione and...and she was doing perfectly fine with out his help, she was literally on fire and incredible, just incredible. He began to shoot spell after spell into the crowds at the death eaters, lessening the fight for the rebels. He cast a spell shining him in bring orange light and with that he sent a wave of red admiral butterflies into the crowd, each exploding with every death eater they came into contact with. He spotted a swish of red hair amongst the crowd and knew that Ron was with them.

Just as he was about to go down and cause some real damage he turned to se his father right behind him, his wand drawn and a chaotic smile on his face, one that could only mean that insanity laid beneath. Draco slowly raised his was knowing that what ever was about to happen he would never let himself forget it. "Hello son."

Coffee and Spearmint Toothpaste - DramioneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz