21-Stella Draconis

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It was a few days since she had punched Ron and the fact the he was ignoring her made the gilt feel even worse. They had had arguments like this before but none to this extent. She was happy that Harry seemed to have taken her side, and had hung around with her and Luna. Ginny wasn't exactly pleased to that she had kept a secret like that from her but she didn't really take sides on the matter and said that it was non of her business.

Everyone was now sat in the great hall eating dinner. She had had a few ideas about the next part of the clue but hadn't gotten around to actually working it out yet. She was going to meet up with Draco after dinner as well and she had to admit that she was slightly excited to meet up with him. Seeing him on random nights of the week was a gap in the endless monotony of home work and lessons and she found herself looking more forward to it every day with increasing anticipation.

Suddenly, Harry tapped her on the shoulder and pointed to the front of the hall where Professor McGonagall was stood about to address the crowd. "Good evening everyone, I have a small announcement to make. As you know many people have started to pice parts of the clue together, as you can see on the board where a few teams are on stage three." She gestured to the board behind her, and Hermione's eyes immediately found her own team name, in a tie with a few other groups. After they figured out parts of the clue other people seemed to have the same thought process and managed to progress. "As many of you remember, during the tri-wizard cup a few years ago there was a Christmas ball and it just so happens that there will also be one this year, a masquerade this time. So as you know we are now a week into December so you will have three weeks to prepare for the ball. Good luck to those of you that have entered the competition and I hope you enjoy your meals."

With that McGonagall went to sit back down. As Hermione finished her dessert she couldn't help thinking of the last ball she went to at the tri-wizard tournament, although she had fun dancing with Victor the most me moment for her was her and Ron's argument which hadn't exactly left them on good terms.

She found herself leaving the hall soon after with other people that began to filter back to their houses. As she was walking she felt a light tap on her shoulder and she immediately turned her head to see Malfoy walking with her.

"Hello princess." He drawled.

"Really? Princess?"

"Well what else would you have me call you?"

"Hermione is fine, I think we are past using surnames now."

"Hmm, I think that Granger has a certain ring to it actually."

"Well so long as you don't call me princess or anything else weird then that's fine. I thought we were going to meet outside the common room."

"It's not a crime to want to walk with you is it?"

"Must you be like this all the time."

"Yes, and besides I know you love it really." He smirked, eyes glinting in the candle light.

She rolls her eyes. "I think we are really close to figuring out this clue."

"I know, I think we might even finish it tonight."

They both unconsciously sped up their walking pace as they headed towards the slytherin common room.

"Have you spoken to Weasley yet?"

"I...umm, we have spoken but it's been awkward like he is trying to hard, he has been purposefully asking me things that he knows I know about. I don't know exactly what Harry said to him but I think he said enough that he is trying to make an effort."

"I hope he told him to grow up."

"Either way I think my plan sort of worked."

"What do you mean?"

"We the reason I wanted to work with you was so I could kinda make him jealous, well not exactly jealous but so that he would see what he was missing as me being his friend."

"Well that definitely worked."

As they got to the common room Hermione pulled out her wand, which was in her hair again, to transfigure her self into a disguise.

"Do we really need that anymore." Draco huffed.

"Yes because the fact me and you are working together is still only between our friend groups, if I just waltzed in there with you, all hell would break loose."

"Fair enough." He shrugged. "It's just that the poker straight hair, the sharp angles, it doesn't suit you. You look... you look far nicer as your true self."

She couldn't believe this. Draco Malfoy of all people thinking she looked nice, and not only that but when she was herself with her bushy hair and freckles. What had happened to this man. Surely this was an act to prove a point or a way to deceive her. "Let's just solve this clue." She quickly changed her hair and eyes and other features. They walked in through the door and walked as fast as they could to the dorm room. Once in there they both locked the door and placed a sound blocking charm around the room incase someone was listening.

Suddenly at the same time they both spoke. "I think it's in Latin."

They both looked at each other eyes shining in the candle light and burst out laughing. "Great minds think alike Granger." Draco joked as their laughing ceased.

"If you say so." She smirked getting out the note book with all her ideas in. "It shouldn't take long to translate."

She pulled out the translation book and quickly translated Stella Draconis. "It means Star Dragon." She stated.


"What on earth is a star dragon. That doesn't even make any sense. Why would we go through all that for it to mean star dragon. What the fuck."

"Language Granger." He smirked.

"Well do you have any ideas Malfoy." She argued.

"Actually I do. It's Draco."

"I know what your name is, if you wanted me to exclusively call you Draco then you should have said earlier."

He chuckled. "No silly. It's the constellation Draco, the dragon made from stars. That explains why specifically the word draconis was used, it's the main star in the constellation."

"And the drawing at the bottom of the clue, it wasn't a wand at all it was..."

"It was showing that it was a constellation, a star connected by a line."

A/N: Hay, I hope you have all enjoyed reading this. I'm thinking that in a few chapters I will write one entirely from Draco's POV as it would be a bit more interesting. Anyway I will keep this short, please vote and comment, I love to read what you think of my writing. BYEEE!

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