Epilogue 1

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It had been just over a month since they had final defeated Voldemort and had his body buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in Scotland. Anyone that had been affected by the diadem not on their own terms had no recollection of the events while they were possessed and it was almost like they had just woken up from a bad dream. Most people tried to go back to their old lives, or too as close as they could. The Ministry had almost gone back to normal and had appointed Kingsley as their temporary minister until things could be sorted out.

Everyone was happy, or they should be. Draco stood in the garden of Malfoy manor and stared down at the stone slab marking his fathers grave. The only way he could even begin to describe how he felt was that a piece of his heart was missing. He didn't always see eye to eye with his father and he knew that he wasn't a good man but he still missed him. He heard light footsteps on the gravel behind him and turned to see Hermione, chunky knit jumper, jeans and her hair piled high on her head. Seeing her every day felt like a miracle to him, he never thought in all his life that he would look at her and feel relief and happiness and love.

"We have a letter, it's from Harry and Ginny."

"What does it say?" He asked walking to meet her on the path.

"They are going to come back to England this week now that it's safe, they are going to go and stay at the Burrow, Ginny wants us to go and see them. "

"I suppose we should, they are technically family."

"Also your Mother wants to tell you something, she told me to come and get you while I am out here." She smiled.

"What does she want?"

"I don't know, could be anything."

They walked up to the house and into the entryway where Narsisa and Emily were stood. "What is it?" Draco asked his mother.

"I have been thinking recently about Emily here." She stroked the top of the young girl's head. "Emily has no family left and I would like to legally adopt her. So what do you think."

Draco smiled. "Mother I think it is great, either way I feel like she is already part of the family. "

Emily smiled as Draco pulled her in for a hug.

It was later that week that Hermione and Draco had been stood outside the door to the Burrow. Hermione, couldn't believe she was here again, this place she had often called home for months in her school life. She turned to Draco who looked even paler than usual and she could tell he was holding his breath.

She leant a hand on his arm. "Don't be worried, I have told them everything you have done, countless times, I know you have had your issues but they are going to love you."

"I love how hard you are trying." He smiled and knocked on the door.

Within seconds she heard Ginny's voice from inside shouting. "They are here." She burst open the door and immediately wrapped her arms around Hermione. "You have no idea how much I have missed you."

Ginny stepped back and Hermione could see her heavily pregnant belly beneath her jumper. "I've missed you too."

Ginny looked Draco up and down. "You know I was always rooting for you two to get together."

"What?" Hermione and Draco said simultaneously.

"Yeah, you know enemies to lovers and all that. Come on Hermione I know you read fanfiction."

"What is that?" Draco asked.

"You don't want to know."

Ginny smirked and pulled them both inside.

Even after every thing they had been through the Burrow had not lost its coziness and feeling of home touches.

"Hermione dear." Miss Weasley came over and pulled her into a warm hug. "I know you are living somewhere else but remember you are always welcome here no matter the day no matter the hour." Molly Weasley then turned to Draco and pulled him into a hug too. "Draco I can't even begin to describe how thankful I am, you saved my Daughter, you brought Hermione back to life and you saved us all from likely death, thank you."

She left him go and Draco with a face that said he had been suffocated. "I was just doing what was right."

Molly smiled.

Next Harry and Ron walked up to them already on the fire whiskey. "Thank you for what you did Draco, I know we didn't get on in Hogwarts but I just want to say you are a good person and if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be here." Harry and Draco talked for hours about everything and nothing, Ron introduced everyone to his new girlfriend Goldie who was in fact a Vampire. They all ate and drank and talked long into the night. Nothing could go back to how it was but nonetheless, at least things went back to normal and for the first time in years Hermione was actually happy.

A/N: Hayyy, wow it has been a while since my last author note. I know it is sad to say it but the story is coming to an end, I do want to write another epilogue but I don't have much time at the moment but if you do want to read another I would love to see your suggestions, I think I want to do a proper wedding scene and maybe a five years later part but I'll only write it if you want to read it so please comment. Thank you all you guys for reading especially those that have kept reading since I first started writing this. Anyway I'll be going now and hopefully not for the last time BYEEEE!

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