26-The Ravenclaw Boy

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What was she thinking? How could she have just done that? She was not in her room, pacing back and fourth at the end of her bed.

Did she seriously just say that to him? Did she seriously just say she would kiss him? She had to find something to take her mind of this.

"How could I be so stupid?" She said as she pressed the palms of her hands into her eyes.

Frustrated she pulled out the book she needed for care of magical creatures and stared at the space where the page had been ripped out. This didn't make any sense, why would anyone try to create a basilisk. She kept tossing over the information that she knew about the boy in her head. The fact that he has started sleep walking and not remembering, the fact that he was talking to someone in the bathroom that wasn't there.

As she thought over these things in her head she couldn't help thinking of the time that Ginny was possessed by Tom Riddle but this surely couldn't be the same thing, could it?

She had seen all of the horcruxes destroyed and yet if there was a possibility that one of them wasn't that would explain why Harry's scar hurt, why all of the death eaters vanished from Azkaban and why Draco can feel the dark mark again. She had to get proof that he was indeed possessed. She went to bed that night and slept uneasy, the first time in months.

Draco couldn't get her out of his head. All he could think about since he got back to his dorm was the colour of her lips and that playful look in her eye. He was in big trouble. Surely he wasn't falling in love with Hermione Granger, or was he.

He decided that it was probably worth going to sleep as he was going to have an early start tomorrow so he quickly changed into his pyjamas and climbed into bed.

Draco thought he was dreaming, there was a blurry haze around the edges of what he was seeing. He was walking around what seemed to be one of the second floor corridors, he looked out towards one of the windows and saw that it was night time outside, for some reason he looked at the glass pain in the window and saw that he had no reflection. He didn't know where he was walking, he was just following his feet. As he wondered he found himself outside the girl bathroom and as he walked in, where the sinks usually were in a circle there was a gaping hole leading deep into the castle. He didn't know why but his feet took him down into the whole. After a few turns the tunnel levelled out into a pit full of bones. He didn't know why but he thought nothing of the animals bones and remains littering the floor as he had always assumed there there was somewhere like this under the castle.

As he continued to walk he found himself walking through rubble and old bricks that seemed to have been cleared out of the way to leave a path. Soon he found his path blocked with a door, a very unusual door at that. It was large, round and appeared to be locked by a combination of snakes on the wall. He reached out his hand and touched the snake, how strange it was to feel the cold of the metal biting into his hand, especially in a dream. As soon as he made contact with the door the snakes moved and the door swung open to reveal a large chamber, with water on either side. As he stepped closer he saw two figures.

One seemed to be a girl, she was dressed in the school robes he saw everyday and although she could have been anyone in the school he felt a strange familiarity with her, as if they had known each other forever.

The other figure was far taller and was wearing a black cloak, the dark fabric falling to the marble floor, stained by the water. Draco felt an overwhelming unease towards the man however he to felt like he knew him.

The man in the cloak then held out a wand and pointed it at the girl. He knew exactly what the man was going to do. Draco immediately began to run towards the girl, shouting for her to get out the way, as if he felt the need to protect this faceless girl he had never seen before and yet knew with all his heart. But no matter how hard he tried to shout and how much he tried to run, no sound came from his mouth and his feet stayed rooted on the floor. The girl just looked at him, as if she knew what her fate was. The man in the cloak yelled the killing curse with an unknown voice. The last thing Draco saw was a flash of bright green light and the girls body falling limply to the cold ground.

Draco immediately sat bolt upright. What had just happened? Had he been dreaming? He looked around his room to see the familiar green drapes and silver filigree. It had been a dream. He was drenched in a cold sweat, his night shirt clinging to his skin. He looked over to the window and saw that it was still dark, it can't have been more than four in the morning.

He told himself it was just a dream as he turned back over in bed, pushing the hair from his eyes, but as he lay there he couldn't help wondering who the two people were in the dream and where he was in the castle.

The next day at dinner Hermione was sat in the great hall, eyes fixated on the Ravenclaw table, waiting for the Ravenclaw boy named Jeremy Smith to stand up and leave for the Ravenclaw common room.

"Hermione are you okay?"

Hermione's attention immediately turned to her friends, not knowing who had asked the question. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"Are you okay, you seem a little zoned out?" Ginny asked.

"It's just, have you noticed anything weird with anyone in Ravenclaw recently?"

"No why?" Ginny responded.

"Actually I have." Luna replied.

Hermione sat bolt upright and turned all of her attention to Luna. "Really, what have you noticed?"

"Well there is a boy, I think about a year or two younger and I have seen both him and some of his friends sleep walking, also some of them have started to look sick."

"What do you mean sick."

"Deathly pale, with glazed over expressions."

She looked over to the Ravenclaw table where she saw him get up. "I need to go." She stated and stood leaving the Hall.

A/N: Hay sorry if this chapter was a bit slow, I promise in a few chapters time some interest things will happen. I hope you are all doing well, and enjoying the start of summer. Thank you all for reading. BYEEE!

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