32-The Masquerade

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Draco was stood at by the doors of the great hall, and as he paced back and fourth with Blaise and Theodore, he pulled at his forest green tie, wether that was because it was to tight or because he was genuinely nervous, he didn't know. 

Suddenly he heard the distinctive laugh of Pansy and knew that with her would be Hermione. Maybe, just maybe there was something else between them, something more than friendship. As he looked to the left he saw as Pansy and Hermione rounded the corner. He felt as his breath caught in the back of his throat when he saw her. The way the black dress highlighted the colour of her eyes, her hair, how the subtle makeup on her features only accentuated her natural beauty, how the ring on her finger glinted in the candle light. His ring. He couldn't breath. The only thing he would change was the mask covering up the thing he loved most about her, her freckles.

As she got closer he racked his brain thinking of something to compliment her that would even begin to describe how she looked. "I... you look..."

"Is that a stutter I hear Draco?" She smirked.

He raised an eyebrow. "If you call being completely at awe stuttering, then yes." He lifted up his arm for her to take and when she did, her small hand wrapped around his forearm, it sent shivers down his spine. All he wanted to do was pull her towards him and kiss her.

They walked into the great hall, everything adorned with blue and silver decorations making the whole room look like a frosted paradise. There were many couples waltzing around the dance floor, gliding almost like ghosts.

They walked over to the bar that had arisen on the left of the hall as Pansy got them some drinks. Draco looked out across the crowd and immediately locked eyes with Ron who was staring mercilessly at him as though he had stolen his most prized possession, and he supposed that to some level he had.

Hermione must have seen him as well because he felt her grip on his arm tightened. He leaned down to whisper in her ear. "He doesn't know it's you remember, only people that you have told about the mask will know."

"I know that, I just don't like the way he is looking at you, it's like he wants to kill you." Ron seemed to notice that they were talking about him and turned away.

"He probably does."

She responded with a look of frustration, as Pansy came over with their drinks with Blaise. "Where is Theo?" Draco asked.

"He went to try and get Astoria to dance with him." Blaise replied as Pansy handed a glass of champagne to Hermione, he watched as she took a sip and smiled into the glass. He wished he could know what she was thinking, how her mind worked, it was probably organised like a library. He too smiled into his drink as he took a sip.

"Ah." He chuckled as he looked towards Hermione. "And on that note, would you care to dance."

"Umm I suppose so." She smiled.

Hermione couldn't believe she was walking arm in arm with Draco and no one would ever know, for tonight she was completely in disguise and could do whatever she wanted without being judged. She was now one hundred percent sure that she now had feelings for Draco because the very fact that no one would know it was her made her want to be completely reckless and just kiss him then and there.

She looked around at the decor, a feeble attempt at distracting herself from how close they were. She noticed something strange about the giant snowflakes dotted around the place, something familiar.

He lead her to the dance floor as a familiar pice of music started to play. It was the song they had danced to to learn the tango.

He took her hand in his and wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her close to his body. They waited for their usual starting note and then they were off. As she bent her head back she heard him whisper to her ear, his breath brushing against her neck. "Is true, that you would rather be my wife than his, Granger?"

She felt heat rise to her cheeks. "I...you didn't hear the whole conversation."

"And what exactly was in the rest of the conversation?"

"He said that I could be his wife staying at home looking after our kids and baking all day." She said frustrated.

"And you don't want that?" He asked seriously.

"No, I don't even like baking, I don't understand how he didn't know that." 

"Well if you were my wife, I would build you a library, with one of those ladders that's on wheels, and in the spring I would take you to Paris to this little bakery where all of the pastries and cakes are in the shape of animals." He smiled.

"You just proved my point." She laughed, as he spun her around as they danced. Suddenly something in his facial expression changed as if he had had an unexpected realisation.

"You know what Granger?"

Her heart skipped a beat, distracting her so much that she almost didn't realise that the music had finished and he was pulling her by her hands out into the great hall entry way and into the corridor away from people. "What?"

"You would be fantastic as my wife." With that his lips crashed into hers and her whole world felt as though it was being torn apart.

His lips felt soft against her as he pulled her closer to him and snaked his hand into her hair. He was full of want, full of need. She had never kissed anyone like this before. When she had kissed Ron it felt almost sloppy but this, this was so much more. It was as if every movement of his lips against hers, every stroke of his fingertips against her waist was calculated and precise. She felt his lips part as his tongue teased at her own lips, oh how she had craved this. She opened her mouth wanting to feel more of him. He tasted of spearmint and winter pine trees, and it was then that she remembered the amortentia  potion and how it had changed and started to smell of the forest. She kissed him deeper. She moved her hands into his silky hair, so soft against her fingers. He then removed the hand from her hair and ran it down her cheek to where it then rested on her neck, tilting her head up slightly so he could kiss her more.

Suddenly he pulled back to look at her, his lips slightly red and swollen. It was only then that she realised what had happened. They had kissed. Fuck it she thought. She ripped the mask from her face and pulled off his. "Wait people will see that it's you." He said, a concerned look on his face.

"I don't care, let them see."

With that she grabbed his forest green tie and pulled him towards her, their lips meeting again. This time it was even more fierce, full of need. As soon as her hands found his hair he was backing her into one of the stone walls, pressing her completely against is so she could feel the shape of the stone through her dress. He ran one hand up the side of her bodice and bunched it into her hair while his other found her leg through the slit of her dress and stroked up her thigh. She had never felt passion like this, never felt fire like this. He moved to kiss her neck, and peppered kisses down to her collar bone.

"Hermione, what..."

Draco sprang away from her at the sound, and she immediately turned her head to see Ron standing there.

"I'm going to fucking kill you Malfoy."

A/N: Stuff is about to get dramatic.

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