28-Pansy Parkinson

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Draco had had the same dream every night this week, and this time it seemed no different. He was wondering around the castle at night and once again found himself in front of the chamber door locked with snakes. He stood in front of the door reluctant to touch the cold metal because he knew that if he did he would have to be put through the horror of seeing the girl die again and not being able to stop it.

He knew that he had to open the door eventually. He unwillingly laid his hand on one of the snakes, the patterned metal felt too realistic on his fingertips, too much like a real snake, too much like Nagini.

The door creaked open and this time he immediately knew that something felt different about the room, everything looked clearer, more in focus, as if someone had removed a panel of glass and he was only now looking at the real thing. In front of him was the cloaked man once again, his black shroud almost acting like a screen of smoke, but as he looked to the girl his eyes immediately focused on the red in her robes, the curl to her hair. He knew that he knew her, he just couldn't remember. The more he tried to focus on the girls face the more he struggled to remember.

Before he knew it the man was casting the killing curse again and the girl was falling to the floor. "Nooo!" He heard himself shout. It was strange to hear words coming from his mouth as each time he had tried before in the dream nothing had happened. He immediately started to run to the girl, and again he was surprised as his feet started to move and he got closer to the girl. He was about to reach her. Just a few meters away when his surroundings went blurry and the room went black.

Once again he woke up drenched in a cold sweat. He didn't know what these dreams meant but he couldn't help feeling that it wasn't a good omen.

It has been about a week since Hermione had looked for the diadem. She had spoken to Harry about it and told her that it was probably nothing but that they should try and speak to the Ravenclaw boy. Every time she had attempted it things had happened that stopped her. Either he disappeared randomly, or he got up and left before they could talk.

It was now eight o'clock and she found herself walking towards the room of requirement for her dancing practice with Draco. This was the one thing every day that she had looked forward to, a gap in the constant repetition of going to lessons and trying to make conversation with Ginny and Ron. Nothing had been the same since she punched him. Ginny would try to talk to her but she could feel a tension that wasn't there before. She knew her friend would disagree about her and Malfoy but she never thought it would be as awkward as it was.

Ron couldn't even talk to her for a minute with out there being long silences that felt deafening.

As she walked up to the familiar wall and the oak door appeared, this time she couldn't help thinking that something else was going to happen. As she pushed the door open she felt an immense sense of surprise. Stood in front of her was Draco and of all people Pansy Parkinson.

Draco quickly held his hands up in defence. "Look before you start shouting she nagged me to bring her."

Before she could respond Pansy walked towards her. "Look Granger, I know we don't exactly see eye to eye but seeing as you have become so close with Draco I thought that we had better get to know each other as well. If you don't want to get to know me then I completely understand after the way we treated you but just so you know I am technically on this team as well so you aren't going to get rid of me that quickly." She smirked.

A million thoughts came crashing down on Hermione's brain. Pansy Parkinson of all people was trying to make amends with her. She never expected to be friends with Draco but to have Pansy wanted to get to know seemed the more ludicrous idea.

"I suppose you are right, we are on the same team."

"Exactly." She replied. Pansy held out her hand for her to shake and as Hermione took it she couldn't help feeling as though she had made a deal with the devil. "Right then, we all know that Draco is an adequate dancer, but let's see how well you can dance."

"Hay I'm far better than adequate." Draco replied arms crossed over his chest.

"If you say so Draco, you know I'm the dancer of the friend group. Right where is that music box." She found the box and placed it down on the floor.

Draco walked over to Hermione and took her by the hand, placing his other hand on her waist and they immediately started to dance. She couldn't believe easy it was to dance with him. It wasn't that the dance was easy but it was that he made it easy. Her feet were moving so quickly now that it was almost like she were floating. She looked up at Draco and he smiled softly down at her, his platinum hair swaying slightly as they moved to the music. She smiled back.

"Wow Granger, you are better than I thought you would be." Pansy said as she clapped to the beat of the music. As the music ended they came to a stop. "You know I'd even say you are better than Draco."

"Hay!" He replied jokingly putting his hand over his heart as if hurt by what she said.

"Now then Hermione, what are you going to wear to the ball." Pansy asked as she turned to her.


"Don't tell me you haven't got a dress yet." She seemed genuinely shocked. "Right on the weekend us three and Blaise are going into Hogsmead first thing because we need dresses and you two need suits." She said as she pointed at Draco.

"I already have a suit, Pansy."

"I don't care, you are getting a new one with a coloured tie and waistcoat because if I see you at a party dressed all in black again I will personally set fire to all your clothes." She joked.

"Fine. Looks like we are going shopping then." He gave a sigh of frustration and covered his face with his hands. Pansy left not long after, not wanting to get involved with their fencing training.

She was learning more and more moves in fencing, how to parry, how to disarm an opponent. There were occasions now where she was starting to beat Draco. She held the wooden blade firmly in her hand and lunged forward striking Draco on the left before swinging and knocking his own sword out of his hand. It was strange how similar fencing was to dancing, one move after another all working together to create something both beautiful and dangerous.

He ran a hand through his hair, now wet with sweat and bent down to pick up the sword. "Jesus Granger, you are picking this up fast, if only you were the same when it came to dancing." He smirked.

She placed her hands on her hips. "Well maybe that's just down to the fact that you aren't a very good dance teacher." He chuckled.

As Hermione walked back to the Gryffindor common room she couldn't help feeling a bit of joy about what had happened. Yes Pansy hadn't been great to her in the past she had seemed more than welcoming and had even suggested that they all get coffee in a small cafe. She didn't want to admit it but she was actually looking forward to the weekend.

A/N:I know I put up a chapter yesterday but I just couldn't resist. I'm so excited for you guys to read what is coming in a few chapters and I'm so happy that you are continuing to read this. Thank you so much. Anyway hope you all enjoy the rest of your day, where ever or whenever you are. BYEEE!

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