50-The Ministry

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The next night Hermione was stood outside the manor, he wand in hand and a cloak around her shoulders as she waited for Pansy. She hadn't spoken or even seen Draco since last night and she didn't want to. She knew it was a bad idea and that it was petty and foolish but if she broke into the most secure place in the country and dangerous, then surely Draco would see that she can take care of herself and that he doesn't need to be worried about her.

Since seeing Draco's memories she had put a few things together. Firstly since she died things have been different, she suspected that the bogart she had seen in the manor hadn't taken on its usual form because she had encountered death and now had no fear. Her magic also felt different. When before she could could almost sense her magic in the back ground, like a small creature observing its surroundings, but now her magic felt so close, she could feel it coursing through her veins like electricity. And every moment she went not using it felt as though a beast was closer and closer to breaking free and causing mass destruction. She hadn't really noticed it at first but the longer time went on the stronger it got.

Secondly, Voldemort was planing something, something big. She knew it had something to do with Harry, something to do with Hogwarts and something to do with this book.

Thirdly, she was in love with Draco, more than she had ever loved Ron, and even though he had killed peoples she could feel the guilt and regret radiating of him when ever he was around her and all she could do was feel sorry for him. He was forced into this situation by his father years ago and she didn't think he had ever been offered a choice about something in his life. She did love him, and it was to the extent where she would do anything for him, die for him. But she could think about that later.

She decided to cast a small fire charm towards the ground, still dusted with snow. "Insendio." She said and as she did her blood turned cold. A massive blue flame shot from her wand, evaporating the snow instantly and then set fire to a small bush. She quickly put out the flame with relief. Her need to use up her magic seemed to be temporarily quenched at least.

There was a small snap and Hermione turned to see Pansy, who had just teleported. "You ready to go?"

"Yes." She took a few steps towards her and pulled out a small glass bottle from her bag containing a strange liquid.

"Where did you even get a polyjuice potion from?" She said as she pulled a vial with a single hair in it from her cloak pocket.

"Bobbin the house elf got it for me, and she won't tell Draco either."

"Right. This belongs to a woman called Prudence Hawthorn and she actually works in the library, so I'm going to teleport you there, I'm going to go to see Umbridge then so that they will know for definite that I didn't steal it, then all you have to do is say the name of the book and it will fly into your hands, all you need to do is get it out."

"Great, this potion she give me an hour. I'm ready when you are." She put the hair in the potion and watched as it turned a creamy duck egg blue colour, the downed it in one.

She felt her skin begin to tingle as she changed into Prudence. She felt herself shrink about two inches and her hair shortened and turned a very dark brown colour. "Let's go."

Pansy took her by the hand and apparated. With in seconds Hermione found herself in the entrance to the Ministry of Magic. Most of the lights were off leaving the dark tiled hallway looking like a tomb rather than a work place. "Are you sure about this Mione?"


"Remember, I can't get you out, you will have to find your own way."

"I know."

"Good luck." With that Pansy disappeared leaving Hermione alone in the dark hallway.

She started walking in the direction that she knew the Ministry library was in. It was only a short walk to the large oak doors that she remembered seeing the last time she was here. She pressed her hand lightly against the varnished wood and the two doors sprang open revealing rows and rows of bookshelves, containing endless amounts of knowledge. She said out loud the names of the books she came here to get. "The book of death."

There was a whooshing sound and a book came shooting towards her through the shelves. She hastily caught it and placed the black leathery book in her satchel. "The book of the dark." She said and another book came shooting towards her and she did the same as with the other book.

This was two easy. This felt completely wrong. For her to just get in here and leave with what she came to get seemed too good to be true. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her side. She knew that feeling, someone was holding a knife to her.

"Turn around." A deep voice said.

She turned around slowly to see a man with a crazed look in his eyes, he had clearly been controlled by the crown.

"Ah it's Hermione Granger. You are supposed to be dead."

"Please don't do this, just let me go." If she reached for her wand he would surely stab her with the dagger.

"I don't think so. Hmm just imagine the look on the dark lords face when I bring him your dead body." Suddenly there was a sharp stabbing pain in her side and she new exactly what had happened. The man pulled out the knife and blood began to spill from the fresh wound.

"No." She choked out before she collapsed to the floor.

Draco had been looking for Hermione for about an hour when he suddenly felt a sickening sensation in his gut that something terrible was going to happen.

Blaise rounded a corner of the mansion. "Draco still can't find her?"

"No, I need to find her, I didn't mean what I said earlier. I don't want her to go. There may be something we could do to keep her safe." He ran a had through his hair. "I love her so much, I can't loose her again."

"I know, if it were me Draco, in your position I would never let her go."

"I need to find her, but right now I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, I just." Suddenly there was a sharp pain in his side, and he imedietly touched his hand to sis side to see blood. "Its Hermione, she's been stabbed."


"I had a feeling something similar to this would be a side effect of the blood magic but i didn't know it would be to this extent. I think that if she gets hurt by external forces that I will get harmed in the same way."

"Merlins beard, this is bad."

All of a sudden there was a loud crak and Pansy appeared in the room. "I don't know how it happened, bust she is in the Ministry and I they know someone is there, and I don't know what to do." She burst into tears.

"Pansy its okay, she is going to be okay. I'm going to get her back."

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