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Hermione had put the ingredients in the cauldron at her desk and had began to stir the ingredients when Malfoy came over carrying the rest of the ingredients.

"I don't know how we are going to make this bloody potion because last time the only person that could make it was Potter." Draco said, frustration lacing his words as he began placing the other ingredients on the desk.

"Harry had a different recipe last time." She replied as she put in the next ingredient.

"Of course Potter had a different recipe, probably because he was the chosen one."

"No, actually Harry found it in the cupboard over there." She pointed with her wand behind her.

"So how do you suppose we are going to do this , know-it-all."

"I memorised Harry's version of the potion two years ago. So we are going to use that version, okay."

"Fine then, just let me do some of the work as well."

"Fine." She moved out of the way of the cauldron so that Malfoy could add some of the ingredients and at least look like he was of some help.

It wasn't long until they had finished the potion and Professor Slughorn came over and dropped a single leaf into the potion. "Well I never, you were able to do this in fifteen minutes, and this potion is...well it's splendid."

He took out a small notebook and stared at the pice of paper before he continued. "How would you two like to have a go at making another potion, you will get more points toward your grade if you do."

"Why not." Draco sighed.

"Excellent. I just need to think of a harder potion to make. Amortentia, I want you to make. Good luck." Slughorn waved his wand and made the draught of living death disappear, leaving the cauldron clean. He then walked off to talk to an other student, leaving Hermione and Malfoy alone staring at the empty cauldron.

"I've never made an Amortentia potion before." Hermione stated as she started to walk off to the supply cupboard.

"That's funny because I would've thought you'd have used it on Weasel King."

"No, I would never do such a thing."

"You probably would have had better chances with him if you had."

Hermione scoffed and headed into the cupboard. "So then Malfoy, what are the ingredients then, you seem like the kind of person to have made it before and used it."

"Good observation Granger."

"Wait, you have used it before. Who...who did you use it on."

"Actually I ended up not using it."


"I'm not telling you. Let's just get the ingredients okay." They picked up the ingredients and headed back over to the potion and started to mix the ingredients together one by one. They didn't talk the whole time, the silence better than the snide comments and remarks.

Still to this day Hermione hadn't forgotten the smell of the Amortentia potion. She remembered how distinct the smell was, of how it reminded her of the feeling when you read a book that you can't put down.

The potion was almost finished and she bent down to smell the potion as she stirred, knowing that at this point it would have its familiar scent. This time she could smell the grass, the parchment, the mint toothpaste but there was something else there. Pine. Almost like the darkest part of the forest. "This can't be right."

"What do you mean Granger." Draco said rolling his eyes as he too walked over and smelt the potion. "Smells just as it should to me."

"To me it smells different."

"Look, it smell exactly as I remember it. Coffee, Cinnamon, vanilla and new books."

"Well for me it's different. It used to be spearmint toothpaste, fresh grass and parchment but now it also smells slightly of pine. Almost like the deepest darkest part of a forest."

"Well it's not the potion that is wrong if that's what you are thinking."

"Well what else could it be." She asked, her voice slightly angry in tone.

"Well I don't know, maybe it's you Granger."

"How could it possibly be me."

"Well maybe you are attracted to something else now."

"Yeah right." She replied sarcastically. Even though she dismissed it she knew that there was a possibility that what she was attracted to had changed. "Let's just finish this potion and the we can go back to being enemies."

"It would be my pleasure."

Once again they had finished the potion before the end of the lesson and the Professor had to come over again and judge their potion.

"Well I have to say this potion is exquisite. I will definitely add this to your end of year grades."

"Thank you Sir." Hermione replied.

"If you two want you can leave early, I'm sure you have plenty to be getting on with."

Slughorn then went off to help another student after he got rid of the potion.

As they left the class after gathering their things Malfoy turned to Hermione and said "I hope we never have to work together again Granger."


They both turned and walked in opposite directions down the hallway, Draco going to the Slytherin common room and Hermione to the library.

As Draco walked he couldn't help wondering how he would win the prize of the winter games and prove himself to his father. The question was, how was he supposed to win when he was going up against Hermione Granger, the brightest witch of her age and she was probably going to be on the same team and Harry, Ron and the rest of their friends. 

Either he would have to sabotage their group to make them fail or come up with a different plan.  

Hermione couldn't help feeling proud of herself as she entered the common room. Not only did she do well making the potions but she also managed to put up with Malfoy long enough to make the potion. As she went to sit down however, her thoughts were quickly interrupted when Ron and Lavender walked into the room.

A/N: Well that's chapter three, I hope you liked it. Please vote and comment if you want too. BYEEE!

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