41-The Boggart

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She had walked down several corridors and up a hidden spiral staircase that she assumed was part of some old servants passage before they used house elves for everything. She was now walking along a very narrow corridor and found that most of the rooms seemed to be storage rooms. Perhaps there was a chance that she could fine a forgotten wand lying about up here somewhere but it seemed that all of the doors were locked because every handle she had tried had left her with the same rattle and a shut door. As she rounded a corner she noticed that a door at the very end of the hallway was ajar so without even acknowledging the other doors she headed straight for that one.

As she opened the door she was met with only darkness and cobwebs. What she would do right now for this to be a muggle house and to find a light switch on the wall, but alas this was a wizard house, there would be no electricity here. As she waded further into the darkness of the room, squinting to see she was met with a slightly familiar sound. She was instantly taken back to memories of her third year when she saw a boggart for the first time and found herself face to face with professor McGonagall telling her she was a failure. That was the sound, the sound of a boggart transforming.

With no wand she had no hope facing a boggart so she took a few steps back into the hallway, carefully trying not to make any sound just incase it hadn't seen her yet. It had. She heard as heavy feet dragged across the floor towards her. She had no idea what it was going to look likes she doubted it would be her transfiguration teacher when it came into the light.

She could hear it getting closer, its heavy breathing growing louder and louder. Suddenly a slender pale grey hand made its into the light and following shortly after was a long limbed creature that she had never seen before. It wad about eight foot in hight and had long slender limbs, it had large hollow eyes so dark and soul less they were almost like black holes. Its most unnerving feature was mouth that was a permanent fanged smile dripping with what seemed to be oil.

Something in she gut was telling her to run but she felt paralysed, rooted to the spot in front of the boggart. The bogart didn't move, it just stared down at her, almost as if it it were assessing her. It then turned around and walked back into the room it had been in, closing that door behind it. She just stood there for a few seconds, blinking away what had just happened. Had she just seen a bogarts true form. Had she just been the first person to see what one truly looked like.

Once she found her mobility again she immediately started to run back to her room before the creature changed its mind and decided to go after her. She couldn't even comprehend what she had just seen.

As soon as she got back to her room she collapsed onto her bed, her heart still racing. Why would that happen all of a sodden, why now would she not see her worst fear when looking at a boggart? As she lay there on the bed, she couldn't help feeling as though it was something to do with her coma and the fact that she had theoretically been brought back to life. She tuned her head frustratingly to look at the runes calved into her hands. What was happening? What was happening to her? Her eyes wandered to her wrist where she saw the familiar silver tattoo that said 'Icarus'. It seemed like ages ago that she had agreed to help Draco with the competition, it seemed like ages ago that they had hated each other. As she traced the silver letters with her other hand she couldn't help thinking that in his own way Draco was kind of like Icarus. Icarus was a man with wings of wax and flying too close to the sun became his own downfall, and similarly Draco was his own downfall, the closer he got to his life going the way he wanted it to the more everything went wrong.

As she watched the lettering she thought to herself, that the tattoo was probably some clue to the next part to the task, it was too bad that every thing had gone wrong or her and Draco might have won. She chuckled to herself at the thought. She rolled over and picked up Draco's copy of Pride and Prejudice and flickered to the pages she herself had last read. It was kind of ironic really, how Liz had hated Mr Darcy when the whole time he had admired her and even loved her. She could definitely sympathise with Liz, because for the whole time she had known him she too had hated Draco but now everything was different and now she might even love him too.

She really needed to talk to Draco about everything that had happened to them in the last few months, and she desperately needed to know what exactly had happened when she was brought back to life. She got up from the bed and went into the bathroom where she splashed her face with some cold water, trying to get the image of the boggart out of her head.

Just as she walked out of the bathroom and headed over to the wardrobe to get a jumper there was a loud crack behind her and she turned to see Draco, hunched over leaning on the door frame. She immediately took a step forward but stoped in her tracks once she saw blood coming from a large wound on his side, dripping onto the polished wooden floor.

"Hermione." He whispered before collapsing onto the floor.

A/N:Hay, sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger but I just can't help myself. I hope you are enjoying this and I hope that it hasn't gotten too angsty. Please comment anything you would like to see as it helps a lot with writers block. Anyway, see you in the next chapter. BYEEE!

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