12-The Spell

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Draco hated how intriguing Granger was. One second she was asking him if he was drunk and the next she punched him, punched him so hard he thought his nose was broken. He had to admit he was incredibly fascinated by how her brain worked. It was a short walk to the Slytherin common room and he quickly walked to his dormitory bathroom ignoring anyone asking questions about why he was covered in blood. He quickly vanished the blood from his clothes, his face and leaned in close to the mirror to inspect his nose.

He was right, it was indeed broken. He muttered a quick spell under his breath and grabbed onto the rim of the sink as a splitting sensation went through his entire face and fixed his nose. As he looked up he saw that his nose was back to its usual shape, but as he stood there looking into the mirror he couldn't help thinking of the way Grangers eyes moved only a few minutes ago. The way they darted to his own eyes made him feel as if he could see every thought in them.

Realising what he was thinking about he quickly splashed his face with some of the icy cold water and left the room, desperately trying to think of some excuse for why his nose had been broken.

Hermione's hands had been shaking when she walked into the common room so she held her hands in tight fists as she walked over to her friends so they wouldn't notice. "Hay Hermione, how was detention." Ron said as he sat up nervously from where he was sat, slouched on one of the leather sofas with Harry and Ginny.

"Umm, it was okay." She had to admit that for detention with Draco Malfoy it didn't go as bad as she had thought, at least in the actual classroom. "Any thoughts on that clue yet?" She asked nodding her head towards Ginny as she too sat down.

"Well...no I have no idea, it's bloody stupid, that's what. At first for a second I thought I had seen it written somewhere if the school, I mean it looked so familiar."

Then Harry butted in. "And what happened, you might be thinking. Well yesterday and the day before we spent pretty much all of our free time looking around the school for this writing and it turned out that what she thought was this clue was actually the school motto."

"Huh? Seriously?" She felt so much better now being with her friends, things almost felt as if they were back to normal, so much so that the ordeal with Malfoy almost felt funny. She had actually punched him. She almost smiled at the thought.

"It looked very similar." Ginny replied, a smile on her face.

"Right well, I'm going to go and do some homework so I'll see you guys later."

"Oh Hermione before you go, we were thinking about going down to Hogsmead on the weekend, do you want to come?" Harry asked as she stood up.

"Oh umm, yeah sure, why not." She smiled back as she went upstairs. As soon as she got into her room she noticed the small origami bird flapping about outside her window.  She thought about not letting it in, letting it get destroyed in the wind and the rain that was starting to fall outside. But she couldn't help herself, she was curious about what was written in the note.

As she opened the window the paper bird flew in and unfolded itself on to her bed. She picked it up, being carful not to smudge the writing because it was damp from the rain outside.

I'm not going to apologise for what happened earlier because in my personal opinion we are already even because you punched me and got blood on my favourite tie. I have had an idea about the clue, so would you come to the room of requirement this evening. I know that it is highly unlikely that you will so I don't know why I'm bothering to write this. Just meet me there.


She had to admit that she wasn't surprised by the fact there was no apology but she was surprised by the fact that he even sent her a letter in the first place. She hated that he had surprised her but she supposed that she should return the favour by turning up tonight. With that she gathered her things and headed straight towards the library to research the clue.

As soon as she had finished eating her dinner in the hall she got up to leave for the room of requirement wanting to get there with a bit of a head start. "Hermione, where are you going." Harry asked from where he sat finishing his desert."

"I'm just going to go to the library to do some research for potions."

"Ah okay, I'll see you later."

As she got to the oak doors she looked behind her over to the slytherin table and she was meat with Malfoy's piercing stare. She doubted she would ever get used to him looking at her. As she turned to leave she caught him standing up out of the corner of her eye and knew that he had planed to get a head start as well.

She took the shortest route to the room of requirement and once she was there she thought in her head the things that they needed the room for and with that the two massive oak doors appeared and when she stepped through them she was at awe. She had been thinking about how the room needed to be used for spell experimentation, she knew the castle would make a room that they needed from the DA meetings but she never thought that it was able to personalise to who needed it. Streight away she noticed that the floor wasn't stone like it usually was but wood and it had a certain coziness to the atmosphere. There was a large space in the centre of the room for spell casting, bookshelves practically lining every wall, a few armchair dotted around. There was also an area for making potions. It was incredible really.

"And this is exactly why I wanted to get here first." She turned to see Malfoy soon behind her.

"What do you mean Malfoy, its perfect for testing spells."

"Yes but everything is in Griffindor colours."He gestured with his hand. "Red curtains, red and orange armchairs, red carpet. See Griffindor."

"Ugh can we please get on with this, I don't want to see you, let alone talk to you."

"You punched me Granger, I thought you would be more accepting."

"I should have cursed your hair orange."

"As if it would matter, I look amazing no matter my hair colour."

She scoffed. "Can you just tell me your idea?"

"Well I was doing some reading and I found that there are certain spells that do involve a chant like this."

"So are you thinking that we should try and cast it then."

"Thats exactly what I'm thinking Granger, the only thing is that you have to cast it on someone."

She felt her left frown immediately, knowing that Malfoy was probably going to cast it on her. He too had a sour expression on his face. They both walked into the room and stood opposite each other as if they were going to duel.



"I want you to cast it on me. We don't know what that spell is and if it's a curse, and as much as I hate to you are probably going to be better at reversing what ever it is."

She was stunned, actually stunned. She never thought of him as the kind of person to do that. "Are...are you sure?"

"Yes, just cast it quick before I change my mind." He smirked.

She held out her wand in her hand, pointing it at Malfoy, the familiar weight in her hand a distraction from what she was about to do. "Undeviginti, viginti, quinque, duodecim, duodecim, unus, quattuor, decem et octo, unus, tres, quindecim, quattuordecim, novem, undeviginti" With that a white bright light shot out of the wand, so bright she had to cover her eyes.

A/N:Hay, sorry I left it on a cliff hanger, but I like suspense. Please comment what you think will happen next, I love hearing what you guys think so I can make it more interesting. Thanks. BYEEE!

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