20-The Libary

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The walk from the common room to the Library felt like a daze. She could have been walking out into the grounds and she wouldn't have noticed. As soon as they got into the library, Draco sat her down in her favourite chair and conjured a cup of coffee.

"I punched Ron."

"Well now he knows for himself that you can throw a punch."

"I just can't believe that I got so angry I punched him." She looked down at her hands that were still shaking and saw that the knuckles on her right hand were slightly red, she had punched him hard.

"I've go to say Granger, I'm quite flattered that you stood up for me like that." He gave a sad smile. "He will probably come around in a day or two."

"I don't think so, he has been like this before." Suddenly everything went quiet and all she could be bothered to do was look at the dust floating in the rays of the setting sun.

"Can I ask you something?"He said abruptly as he moved to sit opposite her.

"Umm okay."

"Have I really been there for you when he wasn't, that seemed like a bit of an exaggeration if you ask me."

"You don't understand how bad it has gotten lately."

"I'm sure I can keep up." He smirked.

Even though the topic of Ron was hard to talk about she couldn't help smiling from the way he smirked and how the completely normal sentence played on his lips. "Lavender broke up with Ron a few days ago." She sighed. "And Ron suddenly decided that I wasn't worthless to him anymore and thought we could go out again."

Draco seemed serious, his eyes glinting slightly in the sun when he leaned in closer to listen. "What exactly happened between you two?"


"If you don't want to tell me I completely understand."He leaned backwards then as if he were about to stand up and leave.

"No I do want to tell you."She licked her lips and started again. "He said that he never meant to kiss me and that the fact that I read a lot and am uptight made him realise he loved Lavender, in fact he thanked me for letting him realise that."

"He has something seriously wrong with him, he wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't for you and being uptight and reading. Those qualities are what make you...well you and the fact he used them as and insult to you and then tried to get back with you because he had been dumped is just evil, I'm surprised you didn't punch him sooner."

"I'm glad that you can see it from my point of view, no one else even seems to notice what he has been like."

"I don't know why you went out with him in the first place, there are far better people in this school than him."

She chuckled. "Like who? I hope you aren't suggesting yourself."

"Maybe I am maybe I'm not, all I'm saying is that you deserve far better than him Granger."


They sat in silence for a minute until she took a sip of the coffee he had made and was so happy for the bitter sweet taste that she had to stop herself from drinking the whole thing and burning her tongue.

Seeing as things were quiet and Draco seemed happy just to sit there and keep her company, she reached into her leather satchel and pulled out her copy of Pride and Prejudice.

"Hmm, Pride and Prejudice, that's a muggle book isn't it."

"Yeah." She replied as she removed the bookmarks from the page she was on.

"What's it about?"

"Well there is a girl, called Elizabeth and she met this man named Mr Darcy." She looked over to Draco who seemed weirdly intrigued about her book so she continued. "At fist she thought he was a pompous, arrogant aristocrat but where I am now she seems conflicted over his behaviour as if he were hiding something. I personally think that he thinks she is trying to steal his money but I don't know."

"Sounds interesting, what's happening right now?"

"Well they are stood outside under the cover of some arches and Mr Darcy is about to speak I think."

She started to read from where she left of and as her eyes travelled down the page she was slightly shocked by what happened next.


"What is it?" Draco replied.

"Mr Darcy just told her he loved her and that he wants to marry her. This doesn't even make any sense, I mean she has hated him the entire time she has known him and now suddenly he loves her."

"It's not that hard to believe is it? I mean the reason Liz hated him was because he was arrogant and egotistical but because of that she failed to see what he was really like and what he was willing to do for her."

"I never said her name was abbreviated to liz, have you read this Malfoy."

He smirked. "Maybe, maybe not."

She rolled her eyes. "Draco you have definitely read this book." She chuckled.

"Yeah well, maybe I like old muggle books."

She laughed. Finally she felt somewhat like herself again and decided that whilst in the library she should do some homework. She closed her book, got up from her chair and just as she was about to walk around the corner when she heard Draco's voice behind her. "Wait, where are you going?"

"I'm just going to get a book for care of magical creatures homework. Don't worry."

She walked around the corner and within a few minutes she had found the book she was looking for and took it back to where her and Draco had been sitting. She opened the book on the coffee table between them but as she did, the book flicked open to a page where the page next to it had been torn out, as if the book wanted her to find it.

"That's odd, this page wasn't torn out last week." She stated as she examined the tear.

"It wasn't torn out on Wednesday either. What part of the book is it on."

Hermione turned the book towards her and flicked back a few pages. "It's on basilisks." She immediately turned to the index. "The page that is missing is on how to create a basilisk."

"This...doesn't sound good. See who last took it out."

She flicked the pages to the front and looked to the last person that took it out. "Here." She pointed her finger under the name. "Jeremy Smith, Ravenclaw-7th year."

"That's his name."


"The boy we saw in detention that was sleepwalking and we saw him talking with someone who wasn't there in the girls bathroom."

"This is really weird."

"I have a bad feeling about this."

A/N:I was writing this at one in the morning so I apologise for any spelling mistakes, if there are any please comment. Thank you all for the votes, and for even reading this in the first place. Anyways BYEEE!

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