45-Flashback 3-Bargaining

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"Draco we have to go." Pansy shouted. They were now in the foyer, the light of the morning sun glistening on the tiles on the floor. "There is no way around this."

"There must be some way Pansy, this time we have chosen a side and it is not his. We may be able to bargain with him, persuade him to let us go because of our family name."

"Draco he will kill us. If we don't to what he says he will show us no mercy."

"Draco I think Pansy is right." Blaise said. Blaise wasn't always a very talkative person but when he did speak people listened, he listened.

Suddenly they all felt the searing pain in their left arms once again only this time they could sense it was a warning of their soon to be death.

Pansy stepped closer and placed a hand on Draco's shoulder. "This may work in your favour Draco, you know Voldemort has access to dark magic, you may find a way to bring her back, to bring Hermione back."

Draco looked up at Pansy, only now realising that he was trying to avoid looking at her because of how just one look from her could persuade him to do anything. "Fine."

Pansy held out her hand and as soon as Draco and Blaise touched the skin on the back of her had, they were instantly transported. Draco felt as though her were being squeezed through a very small pipe, and then just as quickly as it started he found himself standing in a large circular room, that he instantly recognised. It was one of the interrogation rooms in the ministry and just as he had suspected, as he looked up he was met by the ghostly faces of thousands of dementors all swirling above.

"Ah Draco." He turned to be met by the face of a very familiar voice. There Voldemort was stood only it wasn't Voldemort it was the minister of magic, possessed by the spirit of Voldemort. As Draco watched he could see that the minister looked almost greyish in colour and there were red sores on his face and neck. It was then that Draco had the morbid thought that Voldemort was possessing the dead body of the minister, surely that could be possible, however he was quickly proven right and Voldemort took a step forward and all he could smell was the repulsive smell of rotting flesh.

His mind instantly went back to the look on the Ravenclaw boys face when he was collapsed on the floor in the chamber of secrets and remembered as Blaise teleported him away. He later found out that Blaise had taken him to Saint Mungos hospital and that just like Hermione he was still in a coma.

"Draco I am glad I could rely on the Malfoy family." With that Voldemort gestured to his left and his father stepped out from the shadows. He wanted to crucio him then and there after what had happened with Hermione, to wipe that smug look of his face, but he just stood there in anguish and didn't say a word. "Now don't hold a grudge against you father after you killed the mudblood. Now that you are back I will send you on your first mission."

He placed a small obsidian goblet on the floor in front of him. "This is a port key to the barracks where you will find armour."

The three of them grabbed the goblet, it's shiny surface cold against his hand, and they were instantly transported to a dark room that appeared to have once been a cellar. The cold brick walls of the room were damp with moisture, and the room smelt strangely of butter beer. Along the edge of one of the walls was black obsidian like armour, so different to that he saw being used by death eaters. The three of them put on the armour over what they had been wearing and stood waiting in silence in the cellar for what felt like ages completely in silence.

Suddenly there was a very loud woman's scream coming from above them and Draco immediately shot up the stairs to the ground floor and what he saw made his insides churn. They were in The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmead only it wasn't a pub any more, it had been transformed into a war and strategy room for the death eaters, the one place where him and his friends would go to have fun, to chill and have butter beer, was now completely gone, replaced by this evil room being used to take over Hogwarts.

There was another scream and Draco's eyes immediately shot towards a corner where there was a large cage, to small to stand up in and too small to lie down in. The voice belonged to a woman with striking red hair covered in blood being shot with the cruciarus curse.

He took a step closer as he realised who it was, it was Ginny Weasley.

He heard Pansy as she shot up the stairs after him. "Draco what are..." She stoped abruptly and covered her mouth in shock as she saw who it was in the cage.

One of the guards walked over to them, a guard that had clearly been influenced by the Ravenclaw Diadem. "You must be the new troops." When he saw that they were looking at Ginny he laughed and said "Yeah we caught Potters red head bitch. We recon that Potter is going to try and rescue her and when he does we are going to trap him and take him to the Dark Lord."

Draco swallowed and looked towards the guard trying to behave unfazed by the situation. "Why does the Dark Lord want Ha...the potter boy."

"It's because..." The guards cheerful expression changed and a look of confusion passed over his features. "I was told why but my mind is blank, I can't remember. Anyway as a new troop you need to go through that door and into the dark forest, we need to get through Hogwarts first line of defence."

"I thought you had already infiltrated Hogwarts?"

"The castle started to fight back, has all sorts of spells that started killing anyone with certain intentions, it's like the place is alive. Anyway stop asking questions and get to the dark forest."

With that he shoved an obsidian helmet into his hands and pushed him towards the door. He had to get Ginny out, it was clear that Voldemort needed Potter for something and he needed to get into Hogwarts, so the best thing he could do was get Harry out to the equation.

As he opens the door he was met by the smell of smoke and that of blood. He could see a faint red glow on the horizon along with white flashes and could hear screams every now and then. He knew why he was wearing this amour now, it was fire proof made from the scales of the Hungarian Ridgeback dragon and coated in tar, and he knew what Hogwarts first line of defence was. The resistance. Wizards.

There was no Bargaining with the Dark Lord.

A/N: I'm sorry if this is dragging a bit, I honestly thought it would be finished by now but I just kept getting all these ideas and well it's not finished yet. Thank you all for reading this far, it is so amazing that people are even reading this. Anyway I'll let you get back to what ever it is you are reading next. BYEEE!!!

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