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Diamond's POV

A day has passed since the whole Jacques and Xavier saga. I'm so under the weather today and I've got no plans of getting out of bed.

The whole of yesterday I was in bed and I'm planning to do the same today cause I'm exhausted mentally.

Jacques hasn't called me nor Xavier, I've basically lost him and I don't know how to get him back. I'm so demotivated right now, I feel empty, I feel lonely and very numb.

Makayla tried calling me but I didn't pick up cause I literally have nothing to say, my brain is fried.

I'm feeling more hurt by Xavier than Jacques, I don't understand why I feel this way though. I've just got a liking for Xavier but I love Jacques so these feelings and emotions are really confusing.

"Ouch!" I moaned in pain while sitting up cause my hipbone was painful.

The day that Jacques pushed me, I landed on my hip. I've been icing it so the pain decreased but it's still a bit sore.

I heard knocking coming from the living room door so I decided to go check who it is. I slowly walked to the living room and went to the door, pulling it open to see Makayla.

She was frowning, she's not happy with me cause I've been avoiding her calls. I just didn't know what to say, I'm sure Xavier told her something but it's very hard for me to lie cause I'm not that type of person at all.

"What's your problem?" I asked acting clueless.

She rolled her eyes, walking in. I watched as she went to take a seat on the sofa with her legs crossed after placing her gun on the table. "Why are you treating me like this?" Makayla asked looking so sad.

I furrowed my eyebrows, making my way to the sofa and taking a seat next to her. "What do you mean?" I asked with my eyes on her.

She sighed, looking down. My heart dropped when she started sniffling, she looked at me with tears running down her face. "I'm the only child, I've always wanted a sibling or even friends but I never got any of those cause every friend I get backstabs me cause I'm "to pretty", they say."

I listened to her attentively. "My friends just hated me cause I was pretty so I never had friends, only my mom and dad." She sniffled. "It all changed when I met Flacko then he helped me join the Crips." She said.

"As you know, our gang is very unified so I thought I'd make really good friends especially with the girls but no I didn't, Becca and Daija had it out for me from the first day so I started hanging out with the boys more, who eventually became my brothers." She said.

"Okay." I nodded.

"When I saw you walking in with Iron heart, I liked your vibe immediately, I wanted to get to know you and become friends with you especially after seeing how Becca was towards you, it just remind me of my first day." She said.

"Yeah." I sighed feeling bad.

"I tried becoming friends with you but I can see you're not interested." Makayla said. "It really hurt me the day before yesterday when I tried calling you the whole day but you didn't pick up."

"Makayla." She cut me off by shaking her head.

"I just wanted to check up on you cause of what Iron heart told me, I just wanted to be there for you cause I know how dramatic guys can be." She said. "I just wanted to be there cause that's what sisters do, but I can tell you don't feel the same wa...."

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