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Diamond's POV

2 Month Later!!!

I've been living my best life with my boyfriend. Xavier has been amazing and I'm truly grateful that we're back to how we used to be.

Makayla is still heavily pregnant and she's due anytime now. Flacko is still the best as usual, just loving his women as always.

Daija is finally dating Rakim, they've been secretly dating for a month but they just came out to us like a week ago. They seem very happy together and I'm very happy to see them happy especially Daija cause she really deserves it.

Tevin is just Tevin. It was kind of awkward when we announced to them that Xavier and I were dating again cause he looked so disappointed and angry.

Deontei is now the leader of Bloodshed gang with his missus Kimberly by his side. Everyone respects him more than they did with Jacques cause Deontei's just amazing.

Bloodshed gang and the Crips signed a peace treaty, no more war with each other cause what's the point of killing each other while we can fight against other gangs.

I'm actually happy with that cause I don't want Xavier having any beef with Deontei cause Deontei's family.

Kimberly is pregnant. She found out that she was pregnant last month and I'm so ecstatic for her. Finally Aunt Mary will get a grandchild, she's always wanted one.

Aunt Mary surprisingly recovered quicker than we expected from Jacques's death. She said she always expected it to happen but she didn't think that it would happen so soon.

She gave me her blessing with Xavier, she's just happy that I can finally be with someone that treats me right and loves me wholeheartedly. 

Becca jumped ship. She's now part of bloodshed gang and it's really shocking. Kimberly said it was very strange but they're slowly getting used to her, still testing her to see if she's loyal.

Becca and I never spoke. She decided to leave the Crips the day after Xavier and I announced that we were dating again. Sorry not sorry, she can leave!

Even if she was still here, she wouldn't dare try getting close to my man cause I'm ready to fight all them bitches! I'm ready to fight for my man and that's on period.

We stepped into Dr Williams hospital cause I've been having these really bad migrains. It's horrible.

Xavier intertwined our fingers as we made our way into his office. "How you doing Iron heart?" He side hugged Xavier and I.

We took a seat with our fingers still intertwined. "I'm good but I can't say the same for my baby, she's been having really bad migraines." Xavier explained to him.

He nodded. "That might be a case of stress or fatigue." Dr Williams said. "But we'll still need to run some tests."

"Okay." I said.

"When was your last period?" Willams asked.

"On the 23rd of last month, I'm 2 days late this month but I'm expecting it by tomorrow." I said.

Dr Williams nodded while writing down on his notepad. "Has your eye been thudding?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes."

"You barely sleep do you?" Dr Williams asked making me squirm in my seat especially when Xavier started laughing.

I rolled my eyes. "I try sleeping as much as I can." I cleared my throat.

"Do you have insomnia?" He asked.

I shook my head feeling awkward cause I don't know how to say this. "I don't, it's just hard to sleep when he keeps me up all night and sometimes morning when he stays home." I answered.

BETRAYING THE THUG!!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant