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Diamond's POV

I woke up only to find Deontei sitting on the chair across from me. "Sorry." He chuckled standing up. "I didn't mean to startle you."

I sat up with his help. "It's okay D." I smiled at him.

"How did you sleep?" He asked taking out my pills which were on the vanity table.

"I didn't sleep much." I took the remote from the nightstand to turn on the newly replaced tv. "The pain was excruciating."

The maids cleaned and replaced everything yesterday when I was asleep. Those girls have seen it all but they can't say shit cause if they do Jacques will kill them.

He nodded.

"You'll have to eat before taking your pills." He instructed but I shook my head. "Please Diamond."

It's not like I'm trying to starve myself, I'm just not hungry. "Does my jaw look dislocated or broken to you?" I asked him.

He eyed it for a second. "No, does it feel dislocated or broken?"

I nodded.

"I doubt it's broken or dislocated cause if it was, you would've known." Deontei explained. "I guess the pain is coming from the punch he gave you."

I nodded and focused my attention on the tv trying not to think about yesterday. "So?" He said looking at me.

I sighed knowing very well that he won't give up. "I want my eggs well done, soft bread with avocado on it and warm milk." I said.

"Yes ma'am." He said with a big ass smile.

I chuckled as he walked out of the room. Deontei has always treated me like his own sister, he looks out for me the best he can, he tries to make my days in this house as fun as possible.

He doesn't like seeing me frown or cry. People in Jacques's gang known as Bloodshed Gang respect me, not because I'm the leaders girl but because of Deontei.

The smile wiped off my face when I saw Jacques walk in with a blanket and pillow in his hands.

"Morning ma." He said while dropping the stuff on the bed.

I felt the scared Diamond in me about to answer but I bit my tongue, forcing myself not to give him the satisfaction of hearing my voice.

"So you not speaking to me?" He asked in awe but I didn't even glance at him.

The reason he's shocked is because I can never keep the silent treatment going for that long. My silent treatment normally consist of me greeting him back and saying one or few things then going back to silence but today, it's all changing.

He huffed then walked into the bathroom.

I'm done being scared, if he's going to hit me for ignoring him then so be it. I'm tired of him apologising with no remorse, I'm tired of him thinking that hitting me then apologising is okay cause it isn't.

Just thinking about that brought tears to my eyes. There was a knock on the door, in walked Kimberly and Deontei.

"How are you doing mama." She smiled at me.

I feel bad for the way I acted towards her last night, my emotions were just all over the place. "I'm doing better." I gave her a small smile.

"I've got your breakfast." As he said that Jacques walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Sorry boss." Kimberly apologised. "I didn't know y......" He cut her off.

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