Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

    In the morning, Qiao January got up early. Before I could wash up, I ran to the kitchen to see how the red beans were soaking.

    She scooped up a few with her hands, and used the feel to determine whether the red beans were well soaked.

    After pinching and feeling that it was almost done, she poured out all the water soaking the red beans, put the red beans in a pressure cooker, injected new water, and put several tablespoons of white sugar.

    Qiao January is a sweet tooth lover, so no matter what she cooks, she likes to put a lot of sugar.

    While eating sugar, she was still worried about her diabetes, so she drank more water to excrete the sugar from her body. If you drink too much water, you don't want to eat, so this is also the reason why Qiao Yiyue has not gained weight.

    After cooking the red beans, Qiao Yiyue marked down the time, brushed his teeth, washed his face, and washed his hair by the way.

    Cooking things in a pressure cooker is faster than a rice cooker, especially hard things like red beans. When Qiao Yiyue came back from washing her hair, the pot had already started to exhaust, and she knew that the red beans should be almost done.

    Take the pan aside and let it vent naturally. During this period, Qiao January began to prepare the dough for red bean cakes.

    Qiao Yiyue filled some high-gluten flour from a flour bag into a small stainless steel basin, and put some sugar, salt, yeast and an appropriate amount of water into it.

    Qiao Yiyue reached into the basin and kneaded the dough with her hands until the dough became smooth, then she pulled the dough out and put it in a plastic wrap, and put it in a hot place to wait until it fermented.

    Usually, Qiao Yiyue likes to tinker with these things, so after she has her own small home, she spends a lot of money to buy most of the things.

    The house that Qiao Yiyue is renting now is two or three hundred more per month than ordinary houses. The reason why she chose this place was because she liked the kitchen.

    The living room can be small, the bedroom can be small, but the kitchen must be large.

    In order to make the red bean cake more delicious, Qiao Yiyue also prepared some glutinous rice flour.

    At this time, the pressure cooker was almost full, so she opened the pot, and the steaming heat came with a sweet smell.

    Qiao Yiyue tasted it with a spoon, and flattered her lips twice, "It's really good."

    At this time, the red beans are moderately soft and firm, and the taste is not bad. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Yiyue stirred vigorously a few times to let the red beans cool naturally.

    "I don't know if Xixi would like to eat red bean cakes..." Qiao Yiyue muttered as she went back to the bedroom to put on makeup.

    In the past, Qiao Yiyue didn't know how to put on makeup even when she was going out. But now, whenever she wants to find Gu Xiwen, she will wear makeup. She hopes to show Gu Xiwen her better side.

    Qiao Yiyue picked up her mobile phone and was putting on makeup while watching Gu Xiwen's movie from the year before last.

    By the time Qiao Yiyue put on her makeup, it was already past ten o'clock.

    She hurriedly started the next step of the red bean cake, during which she was still playing the movie.

    Qiao Yiyue changed the cooled red beans into a glass bowl, and used a rolling pin to grind them into light grains. Then put the fermented dough on the chopping board and press it with your hands to release air.

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