Ghost town

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'Er.. I hate this song. Why does it always have to play on the radio?'. You sighed and laid your head on the bar counter, closing your eyes in defeat.

The saloon was lively, as always, even though the two suns were still burning high up in the clear sky. Chatter, tired and grumpy from the oppressing heat filled the old establishment while an old western song blasted from a rusty radio near the swinging doors of the entrance.

You lazily opened your eyes, letting them wander without really registering any of the scenery you'd become so accustomed to over the years. They finally rested over the sight of three dusty men playing cards over some drinks.

'Harry's losing again,' you said tiredly towards the barman cleaning glasses behind the counter not far from you. 'He aint gon' have the money for this month's tab... again. Man, Rita's one unlucky woman,' you continued even if the bartender didn't spare you any of his attention.

You stood there a couple more seconds before curiosity got the best of you and you promptly jumped off your cabaret and wondered towards the group of men you had been observing. You hovered over one man's shoulder looking at his cards, and even though you were barely inches away from his face, he completely ignored you. You went around the table, repeating the action. You bursted laughing when finally getting a look at the losing man hand.

'Jay, oh lord,' you managed to yell over to the bartender between laughs, 'Harry's cheating and he's still aint got a chance of winning!' You were bent over, holding on the back of the unlucky man's chair trying to calm your laughter.

'Harry, man, I can't wait for Rita to dump your lame ass. Drinks will be on me that day!' you snorted while getting back up to look over the card game once more. No one had batted an eye in your direction yet.

'Let me help ya,' you smirked and reached a hand over the man's shoulder, past his face, toward the card that was barely poking out of his inner sleeve. Regaining your composure, you frowned as you focused intently and lightly pinched the corner of the card with your fingers. After some time, you finally felt the slick texture of the card under your finger pads, just in time as it was almost Harry's turn. With one last moment of concentration, you pulled up the card and smiled as it barely got out of its hiding spot to flop face up on the table.

You had a second to watch the two other men's eyes widen in surprise before slamming their hands on the already wobbly table, sending cards flying and spilling a drink in the process. You backed up swiftly and just in time as the man called Harry abruptly stood up from his chair in front of you.

'Goddman cheater!' said one of the two men standing up in suit.

'Guys! Guys that's not from me! Must'a been my kid playing prank! Ya know how those little bastards are, right?' the caught man coldly joked with his hands by his sides.

'Oh yeah, we know a thing or two about bastards all right,' said the still sitting man that had been wronged while calmly pulling a gun from his side and harshly resting it on the table causing another drink to fall over. The glass rolled over and shattered on the ground, to which the saloon seemed to notice the altercation and went quiet.

'Take it outside,' casually said the bartender called Jay barely lifting his eyes to glance over, not stopping himself from his task of glass cleaning.

'Only thing we're taking outside is this cheating dirt bag's warm corpse if he ain't paying us our due right now!' shouted back the sitting man grabbing his gun and pointing it towards a cowering Harry.

A single shot echoed throughout the saloon as most of the people instinctively duked.

'Out-side! Don't make me repeat myself!' ordered the bartender in an annoyed tone.

You held your stomach, fighting back nausea making its way the back of your throat. You turned around starring at the bartender holding a still fuming shotgun.

'Jay! The fuck! Mind warning me before shooting me? I'm sensitive ya know?' you clapped back in a half-outraged half-sarcastic tone.

The grumbling of insults and rustling of clothing brought back your attention towards the two men starring daggers at the owner while dragging themselves towards the entrance.

'Ya ain't getting out of this dirty cheater!' shouted back one of the men while exiting through the front door, a brand-new bullet hole on the right flap.

Whispers started up between the remaining customers as the figures of the two rowdy men disappeared.

'Jay! My man! You're a life-saver!' cried out Harry while walking toward the barman with open arms.

'You too. Out,' bluntly stated the armed owner.

A stunned Harry stood still, arms and smile falling. 'You're joking right? Right brother?' whispered more than asked fearfully but hopefully the man not far from you.

An expressionless Jay simply pointed the cannon of his shotgun in his direction.

You walked over to stand next to the now tearing up guy. 'I know, I know, Jay's so heartless,' you said in a overdramatic sad tone while holding you stomach where the bullet at gone through moments before. 'Man, literally shot me in cold blood can ya believe it?' you shot a fake angry look at said-man. 'So, I'd tuck tail and ran if I were ya, Harry buddy!'. You barely finished speaking before realizing Harry had already started walking away, head hung low.

Chatter and laughs burst out as the condemned man walked out. A few praises got thrown at the barman that was putting his gun away behind the counter.

'If Harry doesn't die to those two buffoons, I bet 50 double dollars Rita will have his head,' you giggled and leaned over the bar top. Jay didn't acknowledge your presence and took an order from a table behind you instead.

You stood there pensive for another minute, before standing back up.

'You're right Jay! How am I to know who wins the bet if there's not witness?', you jogged toward the entrance of the saloon, 'I want a free drink if I win!' you yelled back as you walked out into the sunny heat.

"Ghost" Trigun x readerWhere stories live. Discover now