Eye of the Storm

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The world had stilled in the last few days, and you moved about the base like a careful breeze, holding your breath in fear of blowing the illusionary calm away.

But in this moment, you had broken the fragile balance that had built in the last week. You were now jogging down the halls of the lower levels, not caring about the surprised stares and antagonizing whispers the researchers threw at you as you passed them by.

You hadn't caught a glimpse of Knives ever since that day, and you didn't know if you could even bare to face him again at the moment after what had happened. And yet, your chest ached with a deep yearning whenever those heated memories flashed through your mind.

You had hoped that confronting him would clear up your mind and the situation, but it had had the opposite result. It had left you confused and troubled.

Busying yourself with work only gave you a small reprieve, the swarm of frustrating feelings filling your head the moment you took your eyes off the control panels.

Perhaps it had been all that extra time you'd spent on the interface that had allowed you to come across the newly registered entry from the infirmary downstairs. Your eyes barely had time to scan the document once you had recognized the name of whom it belonged to.

The very next moment, you were rushing down the floors toward the medical wing of the lower levels, anxiety eating at you with every step.

You weren't sure if either of them would support your presence, even less be glad to see you. But you needed to know. You needed to see how and why Livio and Razlo had come back in such a state?

How had they suffered so many injuries? Why weren't they healing, especially considering the insane regenerative power they had? What had happened on their mission?

You hadn't even been aware they had been given another assignment; you had assumed they had simply been missing because they were avoiding you. But even then, what the hell could have happened?

Your mind was heated with worries as you made your way past startled researcher and all the way to the infirmary. The medical wing was rather small considering the size of the tower and number of personnel. However, that was because it was rarely used. Only researchers and Eyes would sometimes come here.

Knives was clear that no resources coming from plants were to be waste to save the lives of "meaningless replaceable tools", as he had called them. And so, only small injuries were treated here.

You had never heard of any executive personnel from the Eye of Michael being treated here- actually, you had never heard of them needing to be treated at all! The worst that could happen to them was to end up confined in one of the Doctor's labs as he supervised their reaction to an experiment.

So, the two of them being put here only raised alarms in your mind.

You slowed down to a still in front of the hangar doors that lead to the main room of the infirmary. Panting, you pressed your hand on the sensor and waited for the door to raise.

The room was eerily quiet as you noticed the empty hospital beds against the circular wall that delimited the spheric room.

Your determined steps echoed as you walked around the center pillar of the room, passing every bed against the wall. However, to your dismay, they were all empty.

A bitter panic rose in the back of your throat as your eyes darted around in search of a door on the wall possibly leading to another section of the ward, but could not find anything.

Spinning on your feet, you changed your plan. You spotted the control panels against the central pillar and quickly made your way to them.

You tapped rapidly on the bright screen, trying to retrace the input data to figure out where they could have moved the strange duo to.

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