Rule Three

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Burying your face deeper into the soft pillow you held in your arms, you groaned in disapproval at the feeling of your consciousness awakening. The bed felt absolutely heavenly and you dreaded leaving it, wishing you could just go back to sleep for a couple more hours. However, a strange repeating noise wouldn't allow you to.

You grunted, shuffling around to hide your face better, willing the sound away with your half-awake mind. Still, the noise continued. Exasperated, you finally sat up, rubbing an eye and looking around with the other for the source of the annoying sound that had woken you.

Ah, so that's what it was, you thought as you saw Vash doing push-ups at the foot of the beds. He was facing the other way, so you couldn't see his face but you could tell that the sound was a combination of the creaking floor under him and his loud exhales at every push.

You crossed your legs and, supporting your elbow on your knee, leaned your chin on your hand as you observed the blond man continue his workout. He had his left arm bended behind his back, only using his right one to push himself off the ground in steady quick-paced movements. He wore a long-sleeved shirt but, from this angle and from the way the sleeve was lifted on his back, you could definitely tell something was up with that arm; it was covered with metal and thick maroon leather. However, as much as you were curious about that unusual looking arm, your eyes struggled to focus on anything else but the way Vash's back muscles contracted at every push, stretching the fabric of his shirt and how they shifted whenever he went down.

Unconsciously, you lifted a finger to your lips and bit on the nail at your stare lingered on the blond man's body in a everything but virtuous way. You would never have thought such a sweet and bashful man had such an attractive physique. His handsome face was already dangerous, but how deadly was it to have a body build like this as well? Thanks, goodness, for that red coat for keeping every lady in No Man's Land's sanity and ovaries in check.

As if testing you, the man started grunting in a low-pitch at every push as it seemed that his work out was getting more difficult. At the sudden added groaning a wave of tingling pressure ran from your lower stomach to in between your legs and your upper chest heated up, making you almost bit your nail off as you repressed a sound coming from the back of your throat.

Good god, get a grip woman! You scolded yourself, tearing your eyes off the man and throwing your feet off the bed and unto the ground, making sure to as loud as you could so as to be heard.

'Oh, hey! Good morning!'

Thankfully, your plan worked and Vash had stopped his workout and his insidious noises and was now sitting crossed legged on the floor.

'Heya, what time is it?' you asked turning back to him, seeing his let down hair for the first time. How much more adorable and yet hot at the same time could this man get?

'Probably almost eleven by now.'

'Oh damn! You could have woken me up before!'

'Nah, I guessed you really needed the sleep,' he answered suppressing a yawn and giving you a large smile.

'Thanks,' you said softly, a blush forming on your cheeks from that bad habit your body had recently developed whenever Vash gave you one of his signature smiles. You went to get up, however when you looked down you saw you were still wearing Vash's clothes. 'Oh! They lasted the night!?' you exclaimed, pulling slightly on the shirt in disbelieve while finally standing up.

'Mmmh!' simply answered Vash in a happy intonation as he stood up himself and headed for the table where you saw his clothes were hanging on a chair next to yours. 'I was planning on going in town today. You don't have to come with if you don't feel like it though,' he added as he picked his clothes and handed you yours when you followed after him.

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