Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and you shall find.

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'What do you mean there's only pudding to eat?' yelled out the priest sitting to your right in the backseat of the car as it traversed a heated sandy plane of the midday desert.

'Milly, didn't I ask you to get ready to leave the town?' asked in confusion Meryl from her driver spot while glancing to the passenger seat.

'I'm sorry...' apologized the tall girl with a guilty face, 'I thought everyone would be ok with puddings since they're just so good...'

There was a moment of silence before you bursted laughing, unable to hold your composure at how ludicrous the situation was. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you heard Vash's melodious laughter coming from your left join yours.

'Yeah, yeah. Of course, the two that don't have to eat find this hilarious,' mumbled Wolfwood in displeasure.

'Aw, c'mon Wolfwood. You should be grateful Milly is nice enough to share with you,' chuckled the blond next to you as he wiped his own tears of laughter.

'Big guy only said to give thanks in all circumstances, doesn't mean I can't point out how ridicule this is.'

'I think you're just embarrassed because Milly thought about bringing tasty snacks and you didn't,' you joked, giving the tall girl in the passenger seat a complicit smile.

'Who's fault exactly is it that we had to leave in such a hurry?' snapped back the priest with a wicked smile, a raised fist at you and a vein slightly popping on his temple.

You inched back against Vash, a hand over your mouth and nose to keep a snort in, you couldn't really take the priest seriously after he had just complained about pudding, of all things. It didn't help that you heard the blond criminal next to you muffle a chortle himself, his hand settling on your tight in a silent message to hold it together.

Wolfwood finally exhaled loudly, letting go and slouching back in his seat, 'I can't believe I have to endure this for two days straight.'

'I think this is great!' you said with a smile, exchanging a look with Vash. 'It's my first road trip!'

Meryl gave you a small playful smile though the rear-view mirror as she went to turn the radio, letting music blast in the car.

Milly cheered as the priest groaned. Your grin grew at the sound of the music, that is, until you recognized the song. It was that godforsaken song, always on repeat it seemed.

'Wait! No, change the channel! Please!' you begged, reaching forward.

However, the blond criminal to your right recognized the song just as fast as you had.

'Raise the volume!' yelled Vash over your own voice as he held you back, his arms encircling your waist, his laugh resonating in the car.

'Do it big girl!' encouraged Wolfwood, giving you a sadistic smile at seeing your dismay.

Milly, giggling, did just that and the loud sounds of the rhythmic song covered your complaints and the laughter's of the rest of the group.


Sleep wouldn't come to you that night. The two insurances girls were already fast asleep across from you, past the burning bonfire, and so was the priest with his back against his cross several feet to you right. You were unsure if Vash was still awake or not; he was sitting next to you, back against the car's side, in his usual sleeping position with his arms crossed and a leg over the other.

You had your knees up to your chest, resting your head on them as your mind drifted and you fought the cold with a simple cover. To be honest, you were grateful for the clothes Meryl had given you, you couldn't image how much worse it would have been in a simple gown. It was a simple pair of shorts and a t-shirt Meryl had found between hers and Milly's luggage that fitted you suitably enough, but you had thanked them profusely. They even had been so nice as to save your old pair of sneakers before the hospital threw them away. You didn't think you'd one day jump with joy at seen those dirty worn-down things, but you had come to learn in the last two weeks that No Man's Land was full of surprises.

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