Lady Luck

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'Ah! There you are boy!'

Both you and Vash raised your heads to look at the man further up the street that had yelled out. Soon enough, you recognized the new comer as Harold, the old sheriff.

'Hello, sir,' greeted Vash with a wave.

'We've been worried you'd be passed out dunk in a corner somewhere, ya just disappeared on us.'

'My bad,' the blond man laughed, 'went for fresh air and got lost.'

The old sheriff gave him a look like he didn't quite believe that statement, but decided not to push. He gestured to the way he had come from and waited for Vash to join him before the two men resumed their walk.

'Ah, reminds me, this for you,' said the older man while rummaging through his pocket and throwing whatever he had found to the blond gunman.

Vash swiftly caught the small object mid-air. You raised yourself on your tip-toes and inched closer to see what it was: a small key with a number on a tag.

'Thought you'd deserve a bed for the night after all ya did today, don't worry, it's on the house.'

'Thank you, sir!'

'Don't thank me, boy, 'continued the retired sheriff, 'you'd better thank Lady Luck for looking out for you. If that plant had broken because of your weird performance about morals today, town would have had you skinned alive long ago.'

You knew what Harold said held truth, but for some reason you felt upset at hearing such a thin veiled threat thrown at the outlaw walking next to you. The latter, however, seemed unaffected by the warning, simply softly laughing while scratching his cheek with a finger.

'Hahah, I guess I'm quite lucky, aren't I?'

No one said anything more after that and the rest of the walk was done in silence. Thankfully, it wasn't much longer until you had reached the town's Inn and you all came to a stop. It wasn't far from the saloon, and you could still hear the laughs and drunken voices of people that were partying late into the night.

'This is it for me, my old bones can't stand much more for a single day,' explained Harold as he turned around to the way you had all came from moments ago, 'but ya welcome to keep drinkin' boy, I know the girls said something about working for free tonight if it was for you...'. He raised a single hand as a farewell and soon enough you could barely see his silhouette in the distance.

'You know, he's right,' said Vash breaking the silence.

'Mm?' you quietly questioned, turning to better look at him. He had that glint in his eyes and that smirk that had you both weak in the knees and apprehensive at whatever stupid thing would come out of his mouth next.

'I really had luck on my side today.'

You didn't quite understand where he was going with this and simply titled your head to the side, waiting for him to explain further. Did he simply want to brag about being lucky?

'I mean, honestly,' he started back, but stopped because a chuckle took over, 'it's really because of you that today didn't turn into a catastrophe, so-'

'It was my fault in the first place,' you interrupted him, looking away because of the guilt and shame you still felt over that whole event.

'So,' he continued, not acknowledging your intervention, ' I'd like to thank Lady Luck personally for today.'

As he spoke you heard his voice get closer and turning back to him, you realized he was a breath away from you. He was slightly bending over so that his eyes and yours were on the same level.

'What?' you asked, gulping and taking a step back.

'Well, you said you didn't remember your name, right?' he explained, standing back straight and putting his hands in his pockets, 'I think Lady Luck fits you rather well, especially after today!'

He gave you a big smile, full of pride and something else you couldn't tell what, but it made your mind fuzzy as you stared back into the man's clear blue eyes.

'You don't like it?' his smile dropped when you didn't say anything.

You closed your mouth that had been slightly open in shock, trying to make your brain function enough to give a coherent answer.

'I-I,' you struggled to think of anything as you felt blood rush your face under Vash's watchfull eyes. Swiftly, you turned your back to him, afraid he could see your embarrassment even under the low glow of the moons.

You forced a small cough and crossed an arm on your chest, holding the elbow of the other as you rested your chin on your hand, wanting to seem as composed as possible as you answered:

'I guess it is troublesome not to have a name,' you spoke, keeping your voice neutral, 'it's a good idea, and not a bad name.'

'That's great!' you heard him exclaim. There was some shifting of fabric before Vash spoke again, this time his voice further away, 'Welp! It's time for the town's savior to hit the hay!'

You spun around as he was jingling the key he had been given earlier and walking towards the entrance to the Inn.

'Ah! Wait!' you called out, feeling rushed but not wanting to let him leave just yet.

He turned his head to look at you over his shoulder, an eyebrow quirked. You gulped, gathering your courage.

'Thank you...for the name.'

A smile formed on Vash's face as he turned fully around, placed a hand over his chest and slightly bowed.

'Everything for the good graces of my Lady Luck,' he said with a dramatically seductive tone and a wink.

You chuckled behind your hand as he waved one last time before he resumed making his way to the Inn. What a strange but endearing man, you thought to yourself. Smiling, you looked at the moons. Really, one of a kind, wasn't he?


(Announcement: I am entering the rush for my exams and sadly will not have as much time to write and post in next couple of weeks. However, I will still update the story bi-weekly (on tuesdays and fridays) and my exam rush should only last around 3 weeks or so. I hope you all can be patient with me during that time. Im sorry again and thank you for the continuous support! You are all the best 💗 )

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