
975 56 76

*TW/CW: Medical theme/ PTSD symptoms

'33. Gauze, antiseptic.'


You squeezed your eyes, feeling like the light was burning your retinas even if your eyelids were closed. Groggy and confused, you struggled to remember where you were.


A sharp sting on your right upper arm made you wince. There was voices and presences you didn't recognize, as well as something on your arm tugging. You groaned when blinding lights right above your head assaulted your vision. You raised your left arm to cover your face, but hissed at the sudden influx of pain all over it.

'She's waking, prepare more analgesics injections.'

You didn't recognize the voice, you didn't recognize this place, but you recognized the smell: the stomach-churning, shivers-sending smell of medical products all around you. Panic shoot through you like lightning. Sitting up in an instant, your constricted pupils darted all over the room.

'Please calm down, we're almost done. You're ok,' spoke a voice to your right.

You snapped your head towards it, seeing two women in hospital attires standing close to you as you sat on a bed in only a hospital gown. It was then that you realised one of them was holding a curved needle and some thread next to your arm.

Blood drained from your face, making you dizzy and not helping your confusion about what was happening. But your body seemed to know, as it tensed up in an instant and retracted your arm away from the two shocked medical staff.

'Wait, wait! Don't!' they yelled while reaching out for you.

Your body moving without you fear-frozen mind even aware, you jumped off the bed and backed away towards the wall. An IV stand abruptly followed you, startling you even more. You ripped the tubes and their needles from your left arm, not feeling a thing. You felt wired, terrified behind comprehension by something you couldn't identify.

'Miss don't! Please calm down!'

The voices yelled behind you as you ran out the door, sprinting down an empty hallway. Everything about this place screamed wrong, dangerous and every fiber of your being wanted to escaped this forsaken place.

More screaming came from behind you, but you paid it no mind. If anything, it gave you more incentive to run faster, following exit signs. Hope rose as you turned into a larger, better lit hallway that led to double doors.

The skin around your chest stung and something kept hitting your right arm every time you swung it, but you didn't give it much more thought. Your brain and vision were tunnelled on a single thing: those doors.

Those exact doors that were suddenly blocked by someone; a large man in a black suit, smoking a cigarette. Your eyes glazed over him, your mind muttering something, struggling with a feeling of familiarly. But that was all quickly lost to your body tensing, sensing this man as nothing more than an obstacle.

'Hey! Ghosty, what the hell are you doing?!' he called out, extending his arms to block more of the passage.

You gave his words no attention, focusing on angling yourself before diving feet first and gliding on your back in between his legs. Not wasting a second, even if a burn on your upper back started creeping up, you jumped to your feet and pushed the doors open.

You barely had time to make a couple more strides that a hand caught your shoulder, stopping you dead in your momentum. Instinct took over and you spun around on your bare toes to face the same man you had just passed. Without hesitation, you hit him violently under his jaw with the palm of your hand in an upward motion. His head flew back and his cigarette fell to the ground but his grip on your shoulder only got tighter.

"Ghost" Trigun x readerWhere stories live. Discover now