Be Not Afraid

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Soon after, way too soon to your liking if fact, the both of you arrived at one of the higher levels of the tower. You recognized the floor as specifically reserved for the Doctors most advanced experiments, and the simple fact of roaming the shining halls had you feeling on edge.

Even if you had wanted to erase the memories that were associated with this particular place, they still haunted you. Taking deep breath as you kept advancing towards the main laboratory, you tried to push back the panic rising in you.

You had only ever been called to this lab for one specific experiment and nothing else, and you doubted today would be the day it would change.

Thankfully, as your body and mind caught on to the situation you felt yourself float further and further away from the present reality. You sighed a deep sigh of relief, abandoning yourself to the strange sensation clouding and numbing your dread and apprehension.

As if in a dream, you reached the centre of the floor, walking through large gates into a circular room filled with diverse machines and technology, several hibernating plants on the other side of a protective glass. You stopped next to Razlo at the entrance. Right away you noticed Knives standing in the middle of the room, staring at you with his usual impassible expression and arms crossed over his chest, his cloak no where in sight this time. Because your eyes lingered on him, you missed the blue-haired man walking up towards you, only noticing him when he spoke up in a displeased voice.

'What took so long Double Fang? Is it so difficult to bring a simple girl here?'

Razlo didn't respond next to you, he didn't even shift to look at the man you placed as Legato whose mood only worsen at his lack of answer. Sensing the murderous intent washing over you in direction of the silent man next to you increased your dicomfort exponentially. Then, maybe because you wished to gain Razlo's trust more as an ally, or perhaps because something about Legato rubbed you wrong, you spoke up.

'Maybe next time inform me you are sending an armed agent to get me. I spent quite some time vetting him; I would expect better from the Eye than such an overlook.'

Both because you still felt like you were floating beside yourself and because your voice sounded much more confident than you had believe you could manage from your trembling body; you were just as surprised as Legato at your words.

'You impertinent-!'

'Enough Bluesummers,' Knives authoritative and loud voice brought the blue-haired man' attention as well as yours upon him. 'It's unimportant now,' he dismissed the arguing coldly, even if you were taken aback to see an almost imperceptible smirk on the corner of his lips.

He unfolded his arms to gesture to an elevated base surrounded by multiples machines. You felt your knees become weak and your body refuse to move as you knew very well what it meant to have you step unto that platform. Still, letting your mind be clouded even more by the strange fog that separated you from reality, you made you way forward. You passed by Knives, not sparing him a look even as you felt his gaze burn your skin.

Taking place atop the base, you noticed that the Doctor was already there, he had just gone unnoticed since he was barely visible sitting at a chair in between tall control panels and others devices.

Hearing Knives come close to you, you turned to look at him as he was slowly joining your side. You stayed still, sensing your heart race and body tense but feeling them so distant they didn't quite feel like your own.

'The Doctor got a very interesting report today,' he started as he made his way behind you, his voice as cold as white marble. 'Doctor,' he ordered the latter after a pause, his command clear by his demanding tone.

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