Out for Blood

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"Are you sure you're gonna be ok?"


You turned around to face Livio that was standing behind you, readjusting his suit as your training with him was over for the day. You gave him a questioning look.

"Exactly what I mean," he explained, reaching to take one of his guns you were still holding. "You've been off lately. As soon as we're done here, your head's all over the place."

Biting your inner lip, feeling awkward at being called out, you looked away from the large man and focused on the open armory in front of you.

He was right, you could not deny it. However, you had nothing to say in your defense, so you simply stayed silent.

A grunt came from behind you as Livio spoke again.

"It's none of my business, just don't let it eat you alive. That's all."

You nodded, unsure how to answer him. The stifling silence was making you restless, you didn't want to stay here with the gnawing guilt inside of you.

Livio had just gone through hell on his last mission according to Razlo, who were you to bring up your own troubles to him? It was not like he could do anything about it anyway.

And so, forcing a smile, you spun on your toes to face him.

"I'll go first, I really need to shower," you pulled at your suit with disgusted expression. "See you tomorrow, Liv!"

You waved at him with a large grin at you stepped towards the exit. He was obviously not buying your act, but you internally thanked him as he didn't push the subject.

Exiting the training room, you rushed down the empty halls towards your 'room'. You were moving fast, hoping to leave the stomach-churning emotions that had been plaguing you in the past few days in your trail.

But it was all hopeful thinking, and by the time you had reach your destination and stepped under the steaming water of the shower, you were barely holding yourself together.

Had what Zazie said true? Was Wolfwood really bringing Vash here? Why? Why did Knives want with Vash?

Could you keep Knives from hurting Vash? Could you keep Vash from hurting Knives?

And above all, could you ever bare to see Vash again? What if he hated you? Worse, what if he didn't?

Perhaps it was the turmoil inside reaching new heights that had your guard fall, but it wasn't until you stepped out of bathroom after having put your suit back on that you saw him.

Every fiber of your being tensed as you recognized the man sitting on the edge of the bed in a fraction of a second.

You went to step backwards, but it was already too late, your body already having fallen for his tricks.

"Legato. What do you want?"

You forced your voice to sound calm and composed, refusing to give the deviant man any satisfaction.

The both of you stayed silent a moment more, simply glaring at each other with palpable hatred. Finally, the blue haired man broke the silence.

"I believed your kind didn't sleep, what is this for?"

His words were glacial, doing nothing to cover his disgust towards you as he almost imperceptibly gestured to the large bed.

Your jaw was firmly shut, your anger at your current position flaring inside of you. And Legato's confusing and nonsensical words only infuriated you further.

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