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'Don't!' shouted Vash raising a hand to try and stop the old sheriff in his approach.

In that moment, Harry used the sudden decrease of strength on him to uncrook his arm that was previously pinned and reach out to catch his firearm. Another struggle began between the two men again, as Vash was pushed off.

Harold brought his second hand to stabilize his gun as he tried to find an opening to fire.

'Don't shoot!' pleaded the blond man pushing himself more unto the man he was wrestling in an attempt to body block him from the sight of the sheriff.

Unfortunately, that shift seemed to be what Harry needed to take aim at the plant.

'Shit!' swore Vash realizing his mistake

He grabbed Harry's arm and began forcing it back down but it was too late, the man had time to pull the trigger. Even if Vash's intervention had deviated the trajectory of the shot, all four of you could already tell it was going to hit the plant,

You couldn't tell what moved first, your mind or your legs as you leapt towards the bullet. You didn't have a plan; you didn't even know exactly you could do in this scenario. All you knew was that you feared for your bestie's life if that bullet were to hit her bulb at full force. You hoped you could interact enough with it to maybe stop it or at least slow it down.

Pulling you hand up, you tried to get it on the bullet's course but it was too late; you were too slow. The shot was past your hand now, heading towards your chest. You didn't know exactly where it would hit. You had never attempted to materialize such a large area of your body, and even less to stop a bullet. However, damn it all if you allowed yourself to stand by while your friend and your town risked disappearing.

Focusing on bringing to life the memory of warm blood and flesh, you felt your upper chest materialize just a fraction of a second before the bullet went through you.

You cried out in pain as your right shoulder got hit. You heard the glass of the plant bulb crack behind you at the same time your knees hit the ground.

'HEY! Are you ok!?' you heard Vash's worried voice call out to you.

You didn't spare him a glance, turning around to assess the damage to the plant; the impact point was obvious, cracks running down and up the glass from it. However, there was no leak and the fissures didn't spread too far.

As relief washed over you, a huge wave of pain came with it. This was nothing compared to the worst nausea of phasing your entire body through a wall of concrete, this was absolute hell. You groaned loudly, gripping hard at your wound.

'Cuff him!'

'Got it, boy.'

You heard the men arguing and moving around but struggled to register much of their words through the terrible aching spreading in your torse. Had your tolerance to pain always been so low or did it lower with decades without feeling anything? Maybe getting shot was just this painful?

'Hey, hey, hey,' Vash spoke gently as he kneeled in front of you, 'you gonna be alright,ok? Just let me see.'

'Ha ha, hurt's like a bitch but I'll be fine,' you reassured him with a dry voice. 'I can't get hurt, remember?'

'You're bleeding! Let me take look,' he insisted in a stern tone trying to cover up for the anxiety visible in his eyes.

The lights seemed to flicker as you heard those words. Bleeding? You couldn't bleed, you had never bled before!

'What are you talking about-' you stopped yourself seeing your clothes and your hand holding your shoulder painted red. 'Ah,' you exhaled in surprise, not knowing what to make of this information.

The lights flashed again, and even though you had first thought it was a trick of your eyes because of the pain, and maybe even the blood loss, the way the blond gunman glanced up, looking even more troubled than he had until now, made you realize something was actually wrong.

'The plant's outputting too much power,' you caught Vash whisper to himself.

Turning around you were taken aback by what you saw; the plant shone so brightly you had to squint your eyes and the inner center seemed to be unravelling itself. Alerts on controls panels were flashing, and an alarm started blasting all around the site.

'You need to evacuate the people! I'll try to stop it but if I fail the melt down will reach past the plant's site, get the people as far as you can!' ordered Vash to the old sheriff while getting up.

'I can go get the plant's workers! We don't have an engineer but they might know how to avoid a surge!' suggested Harold, pushing a cuffed and wide-eyed Harry in front of him.

'There's no time! I'm a plant engineer, I'll do my best. Please just trust me,' yelled Vash over the now blaring sounds of multiple alarms and screeching electrical parts.

You saw the old sheriff hesitate for a moment, but he quickly solemnly nodded and started dragging Harry towards the main entrance as fast as he could.

'I'm not leaving! Don't even try!' you warned Vash with determination when he turned his attention to you. 'She's my friend,' you added in a whisper, trying to keep your voice from breaking.

He stared at you with an expression you couldn't decipher; he wasn't mad or upset, if anything you felt as if he was judging whether to trust you or not. You felt the need to vouch for yourself, for whatever reason, but never got a chance to as a blinding light forced you to look away.

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