For I have sinned

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As you sprinted down the hall where you'd seen Nai and the Doctor last follow, you focused your attention on retracing their steps so your mind wouldn't dive down in the hurricane of thoughts and fears that were storming inside of yourself.

The hallway curved slightly as it followed the side of the tower, and even through all the blaring of the alarms, you could still feel heavy vibrations resonating from the floor above. You didn't have to wonder much about what could be causing it; it was where you were heading.

However, you were unfamiliar with the layout of these lowest levels of the tower, but you guessed and hoped they followed the same structure as the ones above, meaning there should be a service elevator at the east-most corner of the floor.

After a few hundred more feet, you finally saw the elevator appear over the curve of the hallway. Panting, you repetitively pressed the button to call the older device. The doors with their strange intricate design that matched the halls had barely slid open that you jumped inside the chamber.

The elevator was based of the newer technology from No Man's Land, meaning there was no hand scan or touch screen. Anyone could use it by simply pressing a mechanical button and you felt grateful for it. But this also meant that it was much slower and you felt like hours passed with nothing but your thumping heart before it reached destination.

Biting your inner lip, you expected the worse as the doors opened and you gripped the handle of your gun tightly.

You were surprised by how calm the room it brought you was, but also by the sight of dozens of giant nails sticking out the metallic floor. Carefully stepping out, you saw that the room acted as a junction point between too more halls. One was tracing the outer layers of the tower while the other was heading toward the inner layers- the latter was also covered in red nails piercing its walls and floor, painting them red by the several Eye officers crucified at its entrance.

Exhaling, you begun heading in its direction, stepping around and over the several gruesome obstacles.

You didn't know exactly the extend of Elendira's abilities, you barely knew anything about her as her file access was restricted. However, just thinking of her had you feeling anxious and made your stomach churn.

You tried to ignore it, but the more you did so, the more your conversation with Legato replayed in your mind.

What exactly was she? And why would she resent you so much when you had never even properly met?

More importantly, why did it seem like Nai was keeping you from crossing her path?

You felt like you were missing a crucial piece of the puzzle and it frustrated you immensely. You were so engrossed in trying to figure out why a familiar feeling of uneasiness accompanied the small girl's existence than you yelped as a loud echoing sound came from behind you.

Flipping around, your senses all wired, you waited with baited breath for someone or something to show itself.

And yet, after several seconds of silence, what answered you was nothing more than succession of the same loud bangs. They seemed to resonated from the opposite dimly lit hallway you had been heading towards.

You didn't hesitate a second more, twisting on your toes to follow the chaos you knew would inevitably lead you to him.

Rushing down the run-down hall, the gunshots grew louder as they reverberated on the metallics walls as you progressively closed in on the source.

As you kept going, you saw a large window on the right side of the hall in your way. You couldn't see properly from your angle what it was showing, but you guessed it was a warehouse of some kind from the little you could make out.

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