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When you looked back after a few seconds, Vash was directly in front of the plant with his palms pressed to the glass. You wondered for a brief second what he was doing, how that was supposed to help lower the energy output of the plant. But that is when you saw it: the inner plant had completely unravelled, revealing an ethereal humanoid being surrounded by dozens of feathery wings.

The site was still in full alert, all systems blaring but you couldn't seem to notice anything but the scene in front of you. Partly in awe, partly in pure curiosity, you powered through a stab of pain in your shoulder to stand up and unsteadily get closer to the beautiful feminine being descending in the bulb.

She had white transparent skin with serpentine patterns running all over it. She looked frail with her limbs elongated and thin, but powerful with dozens and dozens of wings of different sizes sprouting all over her. A large mass was connected to her back, linking her to the center of the bulb.

Was this the plant you've been talking to for years? Was this what powered the town for decades? Was this what a plant really was? Was this your friend all along?

You stayed watching in wonder and astonishment as this being floated gracefully down to your level. She had completely white eyes with a pattern matching that of her skin on them and yet you could tell she was staring intently at Vash in front of her. She delicately placed her hands to match Vash's on the other side of the glass. You could tell they were gazing into each others eyes and you stood still, fascinated, as they closed them together and pressed their foreheads against each other on their respective side of the glass.

Your gaze was fixated on them, not being able to tear your eyes away. It was only when you registered movement coming from Vash without seeing him actually move that you shifted to look more closely at him. You gasped softly; his skin glowed with the same wavy pattern and small, fragile feathery wings were sprouting from the exposed skin at his neck.

Time seemed to have stopped for them just as much as for you. Later, you wouldn't be able tell how long that moment lasted, no matter how hard you tried to remember. Eventually, the blinding glow coming from the plant seemed to diminish.

When the light levels returned to their normal intensity and alarms stopped screeching in the background, the translucent being lifted her forehead and opened her captivating eyes again. Vash slowly copied her motion, and watched her gracefully push herself backwards, letting her slender fingers linger against the glass as she did so.

The small wings around Vash's nape began disappearing, dissolving into feathers that floated away. As he removed his hands from where they had pressed against the blub, the patterns on his skin diminished in their glow. You could see him warmly smile at the humanoid plant that was slowly backing away.

They were maintaining their gaze during all that time, but to your surprise, the plant turned her head towards you before she had retreated too far. You stopped breathing unconsciously as you made eye-contact with the otherworldly being. She stretched her diaphanous arm towards you until her hand was once more against the glass.

You stood immobile for a moment under her intense gaze, unsure what to do or think. Almost as incitement, the plant fluttered closer, pushing her palm fully against the barrier separating the two of you. As in a trance, you walked over to her. You heart was racing and your hand trembled as you raised it to meet that of the ethereal being still staring at you.

As your bloody fingers gently pressed against the glass you felt an electrical-like current run thought your body from that extremity. You inhaled sharply, your body releasing the hold on your breathing as the powerful sensation hit you.

'Friend' you heard someone whisper directly into your head faintly, making you jump and swiftly retreat your hand, leaving a bloody handprint on the glass.

You swore you saw the plant softly smile before her glowing colorless face returned to her peaceful expressionless look. She stared at you a moment longer before pushing herself off the bulb wall and resuming her ascension. As she rose higher and higher, her feathery wings folded onto themselves and cocooned her until her humanoid form was no longer visible and the plant returned to a slightly radiant sphere in the middle of the bulb.

Still wonderstruck at what you had seen and experienced, you didn't tear your gaze from the plant until you caught movement from the corner of your eyes. Looking back down, you saw Vash hesitantly walking towards you with a tense and worried expression. He stopped merely a metre or so away in front of you, making you realize how impressively tall the blond man was.

'I-uhm.,' he started, nervousness painted clear as day on his traits.

This close to him, you could still see faint remnants of those sinuous patterns on his skin and a thin veil of sweat on his forehead. He clearly was exhausted and you couldn't bring yourself to interrogate him on what had just happened while he was in this state.

'I didn't know plant engineers could do that,' you joked, voice a little hoarse, 'Guess you learn something new everyday, huh?'

Vash's eyes widened slightly before he gave you one of his wonderful smiles that had your chest feeling light.

'Well, I didn't know ghosts could do that,' he kidded back, but with worry in his voice, 'how does your shoulder feel by the way? It should be better now...'

'Huh?' you questioned, turning you attention to your injury and feeling it with your hand. Somehow the pain was mostly gone and your wound closed up, only a red swollen scar marking where the bullet had gone through. 'How..?'

'Seemed you two were pretty close,' Vash explained, gesturing to the plant, 'she wanted to help as a 'thank you' for all you did.'

Still massaging your shoulder in disbelief, you felt prickling on the tip of your nose and your eyes burn. You sniffled and walked away, not wanting to embarrass yourself. As you stepped closer to the edge of the platform, you heard the voices of a couple people getting closer. Peaking over the rail surrounding the base of the plant, you saw three figures running up the stairs of the main entrance.

'Hey! Plant genius! Get ready to explain yourself!' you called back to Vash, muffling a laugh at his dumfounded look.


(A reminder that I am mixing and merging elements of all adaptations of Trigun, so things are a little different from any of the sources. I hope that is ok with everybody! Big thanks for all the support I've received recently, you guys are amazing! )

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