Friendly Fire

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Taking a moment to refocus and reground yourself, you reached back inside of yourself for the ability to disappear once more. When you felt your existence became faint, you lost no time and began jogging towards the entrance of the building you had just left.

Wolfwood and Vash had already made their way inside, and you knew to expect to hear gunshots echo back to you any second. You needed to hurry, not wanting to lose track of them if they decided to deviate from the path you had described to them.

Not hesitating this time around, you ran inside the cold darkness of the structure. When your eyes adapted enough to see the end of the long hallway you were making your way down, you sighed in relief at seeing the silhouettes of the two men.

Quickening your pace, your eyes fixated on the blond criminal's red coat, you almost missed and ran pass a guard hiding behind a half-destroyed door to a room you had thought condemned when you had passed it earlier.

Stopping abruptly in your tracks, you considered simply calling out to Vash and Wolfwood so they could take care of the man seeing as they were merely two hundred or so feet away. However, you plan quickly changed upon seeing the guard reach for a radio similar to what you had seen previously, as well as for his pistol which he aimed at the blond criminal.

Swiftly rotating on your toes to face the guard, you sprinted at him. Just as he pressed a button on his radio and it made a quiet beep, you dove on him.

You tightly gripped his hand holding the gun, forcing his finger away from the trigger, your other hand going for the radio.

'What-!' the man grunted loudly when fell unto his back, his eyes widening at your sudden appearance. 'Who the fuck are you?!'

You didn't bother answering, blood already pumping in your ears and adrenaline making you cringe at how loud the guard was being. Not only was Vash going to hear you, but he was going to alert the whole building at this rate.

'Luck?!' you heard a familiar voice whisper-scream from behind you.

Shit, you swore internally. Half the cover was blown now. Feeling quite a bit annoyed, you ripped the gun away from the struggling man's hand. Sitting down fully on the guard's chest, you slammed your leg down on his temporary freed arm.

'Get off me you bitch!'

Flipping the gun to hold it yourself, you raised it above you.

'Just shut up already,' you argued back quietly, before bringing it down with force unto the man's temple.

His body immediately went limp, and without all the noises he was making struggling, you could finally catch the rapid footsteps coming closer to you.

'Luck! What the are you doing here?!'

Past Vash's usual concern and confusion, you could hear the traces of outrage and vexation he was trying to hide. It made you uncomfortable, so much it almost felt sickening to know he was upset with you, but you had already made up your mind. No puppy-eyes of his would make you backtrack this time, you promised yourself as your turned around to face him.

'Vash, I know. I'm sorry, I just-'

You stopped your sentence mid-way, your eyes catching something glimmering in the darkness at the end of the hall behind the blond outlaw and the priest that were facing you.

You raised the gun in your hand, dismissing the stunned looks on both men as you aimed towards them.

'Ghosty, don't you dare!' spit the preacher as he raised his cross at you.

Paying him no mind, you shot at the corner where you saw what you now recognized as the barrel of an automatic gun shine. You were a poor shot, you knew that well, but you achieved what you had wanted; scaring whoever was pointing that gun back into hiding, giving Vash and Wolfwood just enough of an opportunity not to be shot in the back.

"Ghost" Trigun x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin