A Doll and her Sisters

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***TW/CW; you guessed it! torture/medical setting AGAIN :) help

You pressed your hand on the cold surface of plant's #204 bulb, absent-mindedly letting your eyes linger on the ethereal cocoon that rested inside it. Her recovery had been going great, her state barely needing your occasional help to accelerate her remaining healing. However, and it deeply puzzled you, she still refused to bloom. Staying hidden inside her petals, she refused to show herself yet, and it worried you. Was there something else wrong with her that you couldn't tell from the data?

You bit your lip as you pondered over what could possibly be afflicting the recovering plant that so much that she would feel the need to stay in hibernation. Of course, it didn't seem too dramatically bad for her health at the moment, and you could just wait to see if things would settle on their own; but anything and everything had been an excellent reason to keep your mind busy in the last three days.

You hadn't slept since that night with Knives. Not even taking any naps, as whenever you closed your eyes you couldn't help but see the events of that night replay in your mind, relighting the guilt, shame and other sensations inside of you you'd rather never think of ever again.

The last sixty or so hours had been spent running around between the plants you were still caring for, the otherwise empty training room where you exhausted yourself and the occasional brief visits to your room to shower. Your room now felt too uncomfortable to spend time in, and the training hall only reminded you how you'd somehow lost your only ally in this place.

A creeping ache squeezed your heart. Just when you had just gotten familiar and somehow comfortable in this hellish cold prison, Knives just had to go and flip everything around, leaving you just as lost as the first day he's let you out of the Doctor's experiment ward.

What had he even been doing in your room that night? Why didn't he push you away when you clung to him? Why did he hold you like that? Look at you with such eyes?

And why did his expression as he was about to leave keep haunting you even now?

If it had been a game for him, why did he look so hurt when you recoiled from him?

You shook your head, refusing to give into the spiraling memories and wonders that had been plaguing you lately.

Glancing at the others plants that were twirling around inside their bulbs, giving you questioning gazes, you took a deep breath and begun walking towards the control panel at the entrance of the room.

It was only when you had climbed the stairs to the main floor level that you noticed the figure standing in front of the closed doors, leaning back against them as they glared at you with disdain.

You stopped in your tracks, your body tensing up in an instant as you realized he had cornered you. Instinctively, you reached inside of yourself, hurrying in the hope it wasn't too late for you to dematerialize.

"Don't bother."

Legato's frigid voice laced with hatred did nothing to convince you, and you finished disappearing as he pushed himself off the doors and took a few steps forward.

"This is futile- I've already placed a wire over your central nervous system," he spit with an exasperated tone, lifting his hand as a warning.

Was he bluffing? You weren't sure, but something about his demeanor made you hesitate. You gritted your teeth, half-expecting the excruciating pain of one your arm twisting in an unnatural angle as you slowly shifted your body to reach for the control panel. It was just a few feet away; you could just make out the hilt of the blade you'd hidden under the main frame of the panel.

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