The End of Mayfly Season

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When you got out of the bathroom, a cloud of mist flowing up behind you, you caught a glimpse of something strange out the window. Walking over, still drying your hair with a towel, you pushed the curtains aside and took a look.

'Ew,' you grimaced at the sight.

A cloud of a hundred worms or so were swarming high up in the sky above the town. Some of the strange bugs had their lower body flickering in a green bioluminescent light, making them stand out even more agaisnt the gradually orange tinted sky.

Seeing so many of them together at once sent shivers down your spine, and you felt cold even with your clothes on. You retreated from the window, preferring to ignore the creepy bugs. You weren't scared of them, more disgusted than anything really. But, seeing such a large swarm when they were usually only a couple made you feel icky and-

You lost your train of thought when you heard a knock on the door. Or at least, you thought you did; it had been so faint, you weren't convinced. Nonetheless, as you took a step forward, it started back up again. Confused, you made your way to the door.

Was it Vash and the priest? Were they back already? If so, why knock? They had the key.


If it was him, he would be able to hear you and answer. Otherwise, it must be someone having the wrong room and you could just ignore it until they left. You waited, your breathing shallow with anticipation. When a minute passed without anything, you sighed and went to walk away but instead froze in your steps at the voice coming from the other side.

'Miss? I know you're there. Please open the door,' spoke the voice of a little child.

You spun around, goosebumps running over your arms. They couldn't possibly mean you, right? You took careful steps towards the door and peaked through the peephole. Your brows furrowed as you saw a brown-haired boy holding the hand of a blond woman. However, that wasn't what agitated you, it was the fact the middle-aged woman was aiming a small revolver at the child, barely hiding it under a flap of her thin worn-down vest.

'Miss, we know you see us. Open the door and the child stays safe,' spoke the woman in an emotionless tone.

Your heart raced at the scene and with a trembling hand you cracked the door open. Two sets of piercing eyes darted to stare directly at you, as if they could see you. That alone unsettled you, but the dull faces of the two individuals, including the boy that was being threatened, perturbed you the most.

'Good, now please follow us without a fuss,' they spoke calmly together as they turned around and took several steps down the hall.

You stood agape at the doorframe, unable to make sense of any of this. You gulped when the lady and the child stopped after just a few feet and turned to stare towards you once again.

'Miss, we know exactly where you are, and you aren't following. As we said, come with us calmly and no one gets hurt,' repeated the blond woman again, just as robotic as the first time.

Letting go of the handle of the door, you clenched your hand into a fist in the hope to calm the shakes that had started making their way up your arms. You took a hesitant step outside, giving a quick look behind you at the room as if something in there could help you out of this situation. But you saw nothing, the only thing sticking out being your still damp towel on the floor where you had dropped it or phased through in your earlier stupefaction.

You looked back towards the woman and the child, still glaring at you and you no longer believed they could have been bluffing. Their eyes were indeed following you.

This was wrong. Everything about this was wrong.

Without breaking what felt like eye-contact, you closed the door to the room and took a couple of distrustful small steps towards them.

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