Murphy's law

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Glancing behind you, assuring yourself that no one was actually there, you made your way to your usual spot between the plant's bulbs inside the treatment room. They fluttered down and greeted you as they always did, their presence comforting you as you sat yourself on the hard and cold metallic grid.

It had been a week since you had woken up. The episode with the Knives and the plant on the lower levels of the tower had actually drained you way more than you would have ever thought; you had stayed in deep coma-like sleep for almost a full week. Your body had never felt more sore and it took you a while to regain your senses after you had woken up in one of the Doctor's beds.

The older man had examined you over, keeping a closer eye on you in the last few days. However, he had not scolded you to your surprise, even if you had caught him muttering comments to himself. You didn't question him, simply being thankful you were spared from the earful.

On the less bright side, your body was still complaining even after a full week of sleep. You kept getting dizzy and that weird pressure over your heart that made your work with the plants that much more difficult would not recede. After having woken up at the foot of the control panel a few days ago, realizing you had at some point passed out and kept sleeping, you had finally decided to give in.

And so, you now took daily naps. They were not full nights of sleep; that would be too risky. So instead, you had to make do with three hours of sleep, to at least made it possible for you to go about your daily tasks and have some left-over energy to train with Livio.

Unfortunately, there was something else that had been bugging you ever since you'd awaken, and it had started making you quite paranoid, especially around the time when you took your daily nap. It drove you crazy, but you had this creepy sensation someone was watching you as you slept. You knew that those were simply some unfounded and illogical thoughts; you were quite the light sleeper and the plants would have definitely woken you up if someone had snuck up on you.

However, doubting your instincts came to bite you back in the worst way.

It was a simple shift in the brightness behind your closed eyelids that clued you in at first. You ignored it, too drowsy and eager to return to sleep to give it much more thought. That is, until your body wouldn't allow you to do so, your skin crawling under the sensation of being watched.

You flung your eyes open, darting them around to spot whoever or whatever was making you so uncomfortable. It only took a moment to recognize the figure of a certain platinum-haired man leaning back against the bulb of the plant facing you. His coat was wrapped around his hips and arms crossed over his chest as he examined you with an unreadable expression. Your body tensed up as you saw him, even if he never flinched or showed at ounce of shame at being caught watching you. If anything, you thought you could decipher a hint of amusement in his clear blue-eyes at you finally catching on to his presence.

After a moment, your body and mind recovered from the shock and you scrambled to your feet, adrenaline fully waking you up.

'Slacking off, I see.' Knives spoke up, his tone a lot less harsh than you expected. You even struggled to sense true anger in it. However, you knew better than to let your guard down.

'I wasn't, I was checking on the plants.'

'As you slept?'

Damn it. He had caught you. You hesitated, not knowing how to navigate the situation. You were so focused on coming up with an excuse you missed the small smirk of satisfaction on the corner of Knives' lips as he observed you.

'We will discuss your disobedience at another time,' you stared at him with confusion as he somehow seemed quite lenient on you today for some reason. 'For now, just follow me.'

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