Mirror shards in our skin

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You were rushing back up the Inn's stairs, the medical pack tightly held in front of you. The itching of your wounds was getting really annoying and bothersome; you couldn't wait to change your damp bandages for fresh ones. You just hoped Vash was done with his own shower so he could help you with your own, since it was awkward working with a single hand.

Reaching the second floor where all the housings were, you took large strides towards your own room, only slowly down when you heard voices you recognized echoing in the hallway. Stopping in your tracks, you perked your ears.

'You can't blame me for not trusting her, you saw what I saw.'

You gulped, your stomach sinking as you placed the voice as Wolfwood's. Tiptoeing, you carefully made your way right next to the doorway of the room.

'I know, I know. But my guts tell me to trust her, you know?' Your breathing hitched at hearing Vash's faint voice. 'Something is off with her, she feels different,' he continued.

'She feels off but your guts trust her? You make as much sense as usual, Needle-Noggin'.'

There was a faint chuckle, before Vash spoke again.

'Nai wants her for some reason. Keeping him for getting her would already give us the edge.'

A shiver ran down your spine at the subject of that forsaken man coming up. The air seeping out of the cracked door felt freezing and your hands shook slightly at the priest's following words.

'Your nut-job of a brother wants her alive. There's a simple solution, even if you don't-'

'I'm back!'

You made as much noise as possible walking into the room, putting on your best smile and most convincing unbothered act as you raised the Medi kit proudly. You even gasped and stopped to be surprised at Wolfwood's presence in the room.

'Oh, I interrupted something?' you asked innocently, your head tilting to the side.

You couldn't tell if the preacher believed you as his eyes were fully hidden behind his sunglasses, but he didn't have any reaction to hint he was just talking about you moments earlier either. He was a much better actor than you, you could easily tell.


Your eyes darted to look at Vash, wondering why he sounded so panicked suddenly. It was then that you saw his exposed upper body covered in old wounds, burned and scarred skin almost shining under the fluorescent light coming from the bathroom.

The numerous metal platings and wires over some wounds did almost nothing to cover the worst of the past injuries. If anything, it horrified you even more wondering just how bad the blond had suffered that he needed such intense medical intervention. However, nothing compared to the shock you felt at the realization of his entire left arm missing.

The medical kit loudly hit the ground as you went to cover your mouth with both hands.

'Shit- damn it!' he scrambled to find a piece of clothing to put on. 'Wolfwood, cover her eyes!'

The priest dry chuckled at the blond man's words, instead lighting himself a cigarette as he came to stand next to you as the both of you looked over Vash grabbing a shirt lying at the foot of his bed.

A lump had formed in your throat, already threatened to overspill over your quivering lips as the initial shock was metamorphosizing into empathy and sorrow.

'Why...? How?' you whispered behind your hands; you mind trying to come up with some explanation for why people would hurt such a gentle and compassionate man. How could they bring themselves to injure him to such extend?

"Ghost" Trigun x readerWhere stories live. Discover now