Forgive me, Father

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You hadn't seen or heard word of Legato ever since the events that had happened a few days prior. It wasn't like you cared for the demented man, and you weren't sure if it was curiosity either, but the events of that day kept replaying inside you head.

You couldn't figure out why that was. Perhaps it was the lingering feeling of uneasiness and anxiety, or perhaps it was Nai's change in behavior that you kept trying to explain to yourself.

You had known him to be possessive, obsessed even, but you had never seen it to the extend it had reached in the past few days.

He hadn't allowed you to leave his side even for a minute after he had carried you to the top floor after the accident with Legato. He had stayed with you even as you rested and slept, and refused to allow you to go take care of your duties with the plants unless he accompanied you.

You had thought it would wear off, that he was simply upset and that he would eventually let you return to your regular schedule. But it had been days now and he had shown no sign of even letting you leave his line of sight.

It was starting to trouble you. Especially how intense his gaze was on you or obvious his possessiveness had become even for others. As you now accompanied him everywhere as he overlooked projects, his strong hand or arm somehow always found their way on your lower back or waist whenever you were in the presence of others.

It had offset you at first, but as you followed him on the lower levels of the tower that had always been off limits to you before, you found comfort in his cool touch as you faced the blatant hatred the workers there looked at you with.

It baffled you how these people you'd never met glared at you with such disdain and hostility simply because you were accompanying Nai, or because of the suit you wore that exposed your affiliation with him.

Their whispers on your trail were much louder and harsher than you'd ever experienced on the upper levels of the tower. What more, they barely put any effort in hushing their insults, calling you everything from slurs to "one of them freaks".

It deeply perturbed you, and you had wanted to confront them more than once: You were maybe different in certain aspects, yes, but did you not bleed and suffer just like them? You were human too, but in their eyes, it seemed you were nothing more than a threatening mistake.

Nai had snapped a few times at the comments, imposing order through fear with his blades. And for once, you felt grateful his presence was so demanding of respect.

Today had been much quieter to your relief. You were standing with the tall platinum man in a large badly lit hallway of the lower levels as a researcher and two Eyes were giving in a report.

You struggled to follow the report, your mind focusing on the strange unusual architecture of this part of the tower. This was the closest to the base of the tower you'd ever been and the red lanterns illuminating the dark halls fascinated you by their contrast to the sterile halls you were accustomed to.

You were so close to the base floor; you couldn't help but wonder if you would maybe have the chance to catch a glimpse of the outside from this level.

It was at that time, perhaps partly because of how you allowed you gaze to trail off, that you caught a sight at the end of the curving hallway that had your stomach drop to your heels.

Dizziness overtook you as the figure advancing was become clearer, his large cross on his back and his black suit unmistakable even to your disbelieving mind. Still, the shock draining the blood from your face made you stumble back slightly.

Nai's strong cold hand on your lower back easily stabilized you, but it also brought his attention to your troubled state and to where your gaze was fixated on.

"Ghost" Trigun x readerWhere stories live. Discover now