Deal with the 'Diablo'

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You heard the men throw a couple more snarky comments at each other before the door closed and Vash let out a loud exhale. Seeing him walk back to you, you went to stand up. The blond outlaw rushed to your side, but you raised your hand, signaling you didn't need help. No matter how dizzy you were, you couldn't let Vash think you were weak. It had already been bad enough that the phasing side-effects had been so much worse this time around and made you look like a fragile thing.

'How are you feeling?'

'I'm ok, I don't know why that phasing felt extra weird, but it's ok now,' you reassured him with a small smile and cold chuckle.

However, once again, Vash didn't seem to buy into it. Or maybe something else was bothering him, you couldn't tell what he was thinking as he approached you with a light frown. You lifted an eyebrow, silently asking him what was wrong. Still, he refused to answer, only stopping when he was an inch or so in front of you.

Surprising you, he lifted his right hand, sending sparks across your skin as he gently pushed a strand of hair behind your ear.

'I don't like seeing you like that, please be careful Luck.'

The way he barely whispered you name sent shivers down your spine and the heat that had started in your chest became a raging fire. A wave of impulsive thoughts flooded your mind as you still felt the faint touch of Vash's fingers on the back of your jawline. Here he was testing you again, you thought, straining yourself to take a step back to break contact and keep whatever self-control you had left.

'It really wasn't that bad, I swear!' you resumed, looking away with an awkward smile in the hopes that the redness in your face wasn't too visible. How did that godforsaken man have such an effect on you with the simplest of gaze or touch?

A silence grew for several seconds between the two of you before you heard Vash let out a deep sigh.

'Am I really that wrong for not wanting to see another man be inside of you right in front of me?' he finally spoke again in a fake-miserable and dramatic tone.

You snapped around in an instant, your mouth wide open at the shameless insinuations that the blond criminal in front of you had just thrown. And yet, he simple stood there with a large mischievous and proud smile.

'Vash!' you cried out in outrage as you felt yourself become as red as his coat.

'What?' he asked innocently when you didn't answer.

'Vash!' you repeated, this time with reprimand and slapping him over the chest.

'What?' he half-chuckled, raising his hands like he wasn't guilty.

'You're the worst!' you threw at him in fake outrage before walking away towards your bed, not able to come up with anything else and wanting to hide your face from his gaze.

'What?! How am I the worst? Wouldn't that be Wolfwood?'

'No, it's you!'

'If I'm already the worst, does that mean I can also phase through you to make it even?'

Where did that man get all this shameless courage from? He was asking for it, you thought, and he was going to get it. You grabbed the pillow of your bed and flung it at him with all your might.

'Hey!' he cried out as he effortlessly caught it. 'What was that for?'

'You're all bark no bite!' you said with a grunt as you threw the second pillow of your bed. 'C'mon Vash the Stampede! Don't dish it if you can't take it!' You stood proudly your hands on your hips as the man gave you an astonished look with both pillows in his arms.

"Ghost" Trigun x readerWhere stories live. Discover now