Hitting the Road

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You groaned hushedly as you stirred awake, feeling someone walking around in the room. It was probably what had awoken you, you groggily thought.

Extending an arm in front of you, you felt nothing but cold empty sheets.

'Vash?' you asked quietly in a still sleep-laced voice. Had he gotten up and was now coming back?

However, you started doubting that theory as no one answered you. You rolled unto your back and rubbed an eye, trying to regain all your senses.

There was a metal clang to your right. You opened your eyes to see who it was and what they wanted.

'Va-ah!' A hand holding a large syringe was coming down on you at full speed, stopping you mid-call for the blond criminal and forcing you to rapidly shift to the side to try avoid it. But you had been too slow, the syringe still on a fast-moving course that would hit you in the next instant. Instinctively, and perhaps out of habit, you willed your body to phase through the medical instrument right as it dug into the mattress where your shoulder was.

Not wasting a second, you phased away from the syringe and pushed yourself off the left side of the bed, opposite of the assailant you made out to be another medical staff. Their face was emotionless and their eyes clouded, bearing nothing but bad news.

You went to take a step back, the door being right behind you. However, the man in a blue uniform came charging at you, seemingly not wanting you to go anywhere. You tensed up at the sight of the charging nurse, your brain hesitating on what to do. Thankfully, some deep-rooted instincts moved your body, grabbing the man's arm holding the syringe at his wrist and elbow, blocking them from bending or moving. The nurse struggled, his body next to yours and his other hand reaching to grab his strange worrisome weapon you had immobilized.

You had to act fast. Kicking the man's kneecap with force, he groaned loudly in pain and fell to his knees. Accompanying him in his fall, bending down yourself, you rotated on your heels so your back would be to him. Placing his arm you still held over your shoulder, his elbow facing upwards and directly over your collarbone, you strengthen your grip on his wrist and forearm. Once in place, you sprung to your feet.

A loud stomach-churning popping and cracking sound came from his arm over your shoulder, mixing with a short cry of the man as his elbow bended in the opposite direction it would naturally do.

The syringe in his hand fell to the ground as you let go of his arm. Grabbing it and quickly turning around, you went to stab the agonizing man on the ground through his temple, ending his pain.

But you stopped yourself mid-movement, freezing at the realization that you had almost went against Vash's morals once again. Relief ran through at having succeeded in stopping in time, but a deep fear at how naturally taking a life seemed to you, gave the feeling a bitter taste. If you wanted to stay with Vash, to accompany him in the future, then you would have to respect his beliefs and trust in him; just like he respected and trusted you.

Dropping the syringe and stepping on it, you looked around the room for a heavy blunt object. Spotting a lamp with a round base on the night stand you went to grab it before raising it above the man's head.

'Ah..sorry, I guess,' you awkwardly apologized as you brought the lamp down with force over the nurse's head, knocking him unconscious.

He fell backwards, finally going silent. You felt bad, but less than if you had killed him now that you thought about it, especially if the theory in your mind was going to be proven correct.

You waited a couple of seconds, standing still over than man's limp body. Finally, you heard it, muffled buzzing around the nurse's upper chest. Reaching your hand right next to his mouth, you watched as something crawled and moved up his throat and into his mouth. The drenched worm came squirming out his mouth, barely getting itself out that you grabbed it. You shuddered as it struggled and buzzed in your hand.

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