Your way

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The wind ran through your fingers and you played with it lazily, your arm partly hanging off the building edge as you laid down on it. The sky was turning purple as dawn was peaking on the horizon and chasing the last remaining moon away with whatever lingered of the night.

You hadn't slept a wink. You didn't even attempt to, knowing your mind was not to find any peace after the events of today. At first, you'd taken care of some things, hoping to tire you out but that had been pointless.

The first warm breeze of the day made goosebumps run down your skin, partly due to the way your wet shirt still stuck to you. It was only when going to get a shower that you noticed how dirty and bloody it had become. As a ghost, you couldn't really change into normal people's clothing, not that you hadn't tried. So, with time, you had made up your mind to having to be extra cautious with what you wore and to carefully wash them and care for them. However, your top shirt had been irreversibly damaged by today and no matter the efforts there would still be a faint stain around the whole the bullet had made on the right upper sleeve. Thankfully the tank top you wore under had been spared.

Being a ghost didn't mean you didn't take care of yourself; it just made it a bit more difficult. You'd take showers at people's home when they were gone during the day, and hand wash your clothes at the same time. Thankfully, with the constant heat of the two suns you didn't have to wait more than half an hour or so naked before your clothes were fully dry again, but it still made you uncomfortable. It wasn't seeing your body, you hadn't paid attention to it in years, especially since mirrors wouldn't work for you. No, rather, it was the fear that cursed through your veins whenever you felt so exposed. Something inside you associated being naked with an imperceptible danger that often had you on the verge of breakdowns, so you'd avoid it as much as possible.

Sadly, that was why showers at night were the worst. You could always find the house of one of the local drunks to take a shower. They would often be so passed out they wouldn't even wake up if the town was invaded by giant worms. The problem was feeling that unmatched fear in the dark, it made it so much worse. That and having to wait for hours for clothes to dry because of the coldness of the night. Tonight, you had bitten the bullet; speed running a shower to rinse off the blood and dirt off yourself and doing the same with only your shirt. It was uncomfortable to wear it still damp, but you part of you felt reassured but the extra layer.

Still, a feeling anxiety lingered at the corner of your mind, and in an attempt to calm yourself you'd found yourself back at the Inn. How ironic that the presence of a infamous criminal was what your dread-filled body and mind found comforting. Nonetheless, you new better than to fight your body over matters like this, so you climbed all the way to the roof of the building, deciding that catching the rise of the suns would be a relaxing sight.

There was also the small idea of jump-scaring Vash when he would exit the building later on in the morning that made you smile, but you told yourself that was just a bonus to the spot you had found to spend the night.

And barely hours later, here were coming the suns, announcing yet another feverishly hot day. The town would be asleep well past their normal waking hours after last night's celebrations, only the kids would fill the streets with their playful screams until noon. Those were the best types of days, reminding you how simple life in this small dead town was.

A jingle resonated bellow you unto the street. You recognized it as the Inn's front door bell. How weird, Jenna, the Inn's owner, didn't usually come to work quite this early even on good days. You brought your arm back and used it to push yourself unto your stomach, grabbing onto the ledge of the roof to peak down above the entrance.

You couldn't tell just yet who it was, the top of the porch still hiding the entrance from you. But after a minute or two, you finally saw the figure walk down the stairs and turn down the road.

"Ghost" Trigun x readerWhere stories live. Discover now