A Forgotten, but Unforgiving Temptation

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* TW/CW: Dubcon/noncon (kissing/teasing only)

You opened your eyes to nothing but a dark abyss surrounding you. Shuddering at the familiar sight, you quickly scrambled to your feet. Why were you here? Where you having another nightmare? Was there no way of waking yourself up? You pinched yourself hard, wincing a bit at the sting. However, nothing else happened, and your agitation grew as you felt a presence come closer.


Here he was again. You spun to glare at him, the strange blond man in his bluish-gray skin-tight suit with markings you couldn't decipher. What did he want?

He took slow confident steps towards you as you stood your ground, your body tensing as if preparing for a fight. However, his expression perturbed you; he looked at you with something akin to sorrow in his cold blue eyes. His strong traits softer than you remembered them.

'Look what they've done to you,' he spoke in a soft voice

You glanced down at yourself, following the man's gaze and gasped silently as you saw the gashes and cuts covering you with your blood-soaked clothes. They were fresh and yet you couldn't feel any pain coming from them. As you were examining them, you didn't notice the man making his way to stand right in front of you, his broad shoulders and muscular build making you feel smaller than you were.

'Why did you resist so much?' his hand gently cupped your face, angling it upwards his. To your surprise you felt tingling run across your skin under his touch. 'You know how much I dislike hurting you, and yet you make me do it every time.' He seemed upset and yet worried about you.

You felt confused. Nothing about this man made any sense, including the emotions he awoke in your body, a deep yearning mixed with pure primal fear.

'What do you want from me?' you managed to ask in a low voice.

'I simply want for you to come back to me, it's where you belong afterall,' he calmly stated with a conviction so strong it shook you.

'I don't-!' you went to argue with a frown, but he didn't even let you do that much.

'You've grown so disobedient,' he said an unpleased expression matching the harsh tone of his voice, his hand on your face crisping. 'I've heard you have been following my dear little brother Vash. Did he teach you how to rebel? Just as he does?'

'I-No, I-.' You struggled to answer, feeling the need to defend yourself under the steadily growing anger you felt bubbling inside the man.

Between your attempts to answer and hesitation to placate him, your mind took a minute to register a crucial information. Did he say Vash? His brother? They were related?

'He simply picked you up because he pitied you or you sparked his curiosity and, of course, you blindly followed him like a lost puppy,' he closed the distance between the two of you as the intensity in his eyes hypnotised you. 'But, don't be fooled Thess, he'll throw you out and abandon you as soon as he gets bored of you or has no other use for you. It's what the humans do and what he's thought himself to do.'

Your brows furrowed upward and you opened your mouth to express your disaccord, but only a sharp inhale traversed your lips as the mesmerizing yet terrifying man's hand slid from your cheek to the back of your neck, a trail of tiny shocks following his fingertips.

'But that would never happen with me, Thess,' he spoke in a much lower, reassuring voice. 'I know your value.'

You gulped, your heart racing and mind spinning. Was he speaking the truth? Would really leave you at any moment? Would he leave you after getting upset with you because of earlier? You got in trouble, making him having to get you out and even after all that, you couldn't even realize his reluctance to kill people after he had been so obvious about it. What more, you even almost used his own gun to take two lives. You had nothing to offer to him but annoyances and grief. You brought nothing to him; how much longer would he agree to give you all he had with nothing in return?

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