Arrival in Amarillo

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Amarillo city wasn't one of the seven main cities, but the size of it still amazed you. Afterall, all you had ever known was a tiny ghost town for the last two decades, so a real city with three plants, buses doing transit everyday and even the occasional sandsteamer stopping by was enough to have your head spinning.

'Don't get lost now,' laughed Vash when he had seen your flabbergasted expression when you had finally reached the city at dusk.

You had shot him a shut-it look, but you couldn't lie to yourself that you felt very overwhelmed by the shear amount of people on the streets even past sundown. The roads were large, shops still open and stalls switching their day merchandise to their night one. After years in a calm little town and then several days in a silent desert, the shouts and yells of all these people put you on edge and startled you quite a few times.

Feeling anxious at the idea of getting lost in this large place by yourself convinced you to close the distance between you and Vash, going as far as to grab the free strap of his bag to make sure you wouldn't be left being.

Thankfully, the blond man didn't insist on going further into the busier districts of town and started looking down smaller streets as he slowed his pace. You were curious about what he was doing, but didn't feel like making yourself look like even more of a dumb village girl than you already probably looked to him. To your surprise you found yourself being grateful you were invisible to the average person at that moment.

After a couple more street corners, Vash turned down a smaller street and entered a building that didn't quite stand out from the others, except for the sign spelling 'Inn' in bold black letters hanging perpendicularly from it's facade wall.

You followed silently and felt relief when stepping inside and seeing the establishment looked similar to Jenna's Inn from back home, if maybe more polished and with less wornout furniture. Two older men were playing chess in the corner of the lobby as a middle-aged woman was filling papers behind a counter that double as a small bar. You felt your body relax a little at the decrease in sounds and energy around you, convincing you to let go of your grip on the bag that had started to drain you mentally.

'How can I help ya?' spoke the woman in a thick accent you didn't recognize, not looking up from her papers.

'I was hoping you had a room available?' answered Vash with a charming smile as he got closer to the counter, setting his bag down against it, 'one with two beds would be great!'

'Two beds?' you turned to him, an eyebrow quirked, 'I barely sleep, don't bother getting me one.'

'Two beds?' repeated the hostess, finally looking up at the blond man.

'Yes m'am, two beds,' simply answered Vash, lifting two fingers to emphasize his response.

'Hey! Listen to me; you're wasting your money!'

The outlaw just gave you a playful look, proudly acknowledging he was ignoring you. You wanted to snap at him but the woman behind the counter spoke before you had a chance.

'Well, you must be the lucky type of fella; the only room I have left is one with two beds.'

Vash softly laughed.

'I do have Lady Luck by my side,' he added as he gave you a wink that had you rolling your eyes.

You turned your back to him as he finalized registering, not wanting to see anymore of his proud look. Once he was done, you had mostly already forgiven him, more excited at the prospect of a shower to give it much more thought.

After the hostess had given him some instructions, you followed Vash up some stairs and down a dimly lit hallway before he stopped at the last door to the right. As he unlocked the creaking door and made his way inside the room, turning on the lights, you stared with awe at the room. This was so much fancier than back home!

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