Loving to Hell and Back

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'I could phase through it and open it from the other side,' you proposed as the three of you were standing in front of the metallic door and its keypad.

'No, we don't know if they're waiting for us on the other side; you could get shot while opening it for us,' dismissed Vash, still refusing to give up even an inch from his terms.

'Well, there's an easy way inside anyway,' butted in the priest as he raised his cross towards the door handle next to the keypad. 'Step away Ghosty.'

You listened to his warning, backing up just far enough away to avoid the flying debris when he shot a fuming hole where once stood the locking mechanism.

'They already know we're here, might as well make a grand entrance. What do you say, Spikey?' he said with a chuckle before he stepped in.

You clenched your fists as Vash didn't hesitate to follow suit. What was it with these two and walking into danger like it was just another saloon? Sighing, you hurried to stay behind the two men.

'Gazelle was down that way, on the left side,' you indicated with a gesture towards the back of the immense room. 'But he was surrounded by weapons...' you warned, fully knowing it would do nothing to dissuade the two men from making their way exactly in that direction.

Vash suddenly stopped in his tracks, and you thought he might have wanted to add something, or perhaps actually listen to you for once and consider a safer approach, sadly it was nothing of the sort. The priest and you both looked at the blond outlaw just in time to see his head snap with an alarmed expression exactly towards where you had last seen the Gun'ho Gun.

'Get down!' he yelled out as he grabbed you and pulled you flat to the ground.

There was a whistle in the air before a giant explosion barely twenty or so feet away made you cover your head with your arms. The light was blinding for a moment, making you squint. However, the gradually increasing heat as the crate that had blown off was now a growing burning pile of wood was what really proved problematic; you felt like your skin was about to start peeling off any second you stayed near those flames. You tore yourself away from Vash's grasp, for once wanting to escape his touch so you could find relief in the heighten resistance to heat your ghost form had.

Thankfully, it worked and it was no longer excruciating to be in proximity of the blaze. You went to check on Vash, but the latter was already crouching on a knee, gun pointing in the same direction he had been looking before the explosion.

You didn't get to ask him what he was aiming at since he fired three consecutive shots in the following instant, startling you a little. Metallic sounds echoed in the room from whatever and wherever the bullets had hit, followed by another heavier resounding clang that sent adrenaline flowing through you as you recognized the sound.

'He's gonna shoot another one! Move!' you warned Vash, rushing to him to incite him to get up.

It was the same sound you had heard earlier when the Gun'ho Gun had been cleaning the barrel of his massive gun. But you now knew why the chambers of that barrel were so big; they had to fit whatever ammunition had this type of fire-power.

Vash jumped back to his feet without you needing to insist more, the two of you running towards Wolfwood. Luckily, you had reacted just in time, another explosion hitting right where you had stood moments before, the shockwave sending you stumbling forward and almost making you trip.

The three of you took refuge behind another crate for a moment, but you all knew you couldn't stand there more than a minute or two.

'That gun of his is a fucking pain in the ass!' grumbled the priest. 'I can't see shit through at this smoke!'

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