His way

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You weren't sure what his plan was, in his position he had a clear shot to take out Harry before the latter had even noticed. Why hadn't he drawn his gun and why did he keep closing the distance between him and the man?

The old sheriff seemed to also notice Vash's appearance as you visibly saw him tense up, gun slightly angling from pointing directly to Harry to now pointing on the blond gunman. Vash froze at that small movement, a tense look overtaking his features.

You saw Harry become more nervous at Harold weird behavior. Quickly, you turned around and mustering as much concentration as you could in a short amount of time, you used the tips of your fingers to push the old sheriff's gun towards its original position. You hopped that would be enough to ensure the older man wasn't going to shoot Vash before he could act whatever plan he had.

Unfortunately, Harry already being on alert, he noticed that small shift and turned around.

'The fuck? Who the hell are you?' he cried out, pointing his gun at Vash a couple feet away from him.

'I'm just a worried traveler, no one really,' he said while raising his hands to his sides, with a nervous smile

Was he asking to get shot? What was that dumbass doing acting so nicely and idiotic? Did he have a death wish?

'To hell with you! Get the fuck away if you ain't here to bring the money!' yelled Harry angrily.

'Come on now, I'm sure we can resolve this peacefully,' added Vash as he took a step forward, 'there's no need for bloodshed, really.'

Was he on drugs? Cactus juice? Dropped on his head as a kid? That man was crazier than you, trying to talk his way out of this; you couldn't help but wonder in disbelief as you watched him gently raise his hands in the air.

'Don't fuck with me! Get the fuck outta here and just bring me the money!'

'Why don't you just put the gun down? I'm sure we can find a solution to this,' the blond man insisted, taking another step.

'Stop! Stay where you are or I'm shooting the plant!' cried out Harry as he pointed at said-plant at point blank, making everyone freeze.

'Please, you don't have to do this,' softly spoke Vash, his smile falling.

An anguished cry came out of the cornered man at those words. 'I do! I do! You don't understand, it's all over for me!' he screamed with desperation, putting his finger on the trigger while gripping his head with his other hand.

You barely had time to react to try and reach the man before a shot flew, hitting Harry's hand and sending his gun flying several feet away. Vash's stood there, expressionless with his gun drawn.

'How the fuck, urrgh!' grunted the now disarmed man holding his grazed hand.

Vash's small smile returned as he holstered his gun back behind a flap of his red coat. 'Let's just talk calmly about this, wouldn't that be easier for everyone?'

Harry looked up at the blond gunman with a rageful look. 'Fuck you,' he spit before diving away towards the gun on the ground not far next to you.

As Vash dove right after the man, you reached for the gun.

'C'mon, please! Move, fuck!' you swore as you desperately phased through the gun trying to get it further away from the now wresting men in front of you. Sadly, you struggled to remain focused enough under the stress to make the gun move more than an inch.

Thankfully, after a minute or so of struggling, Vash had succeeded in pinning the man down to the ground. You exhaled as some tension left you body, but you remained on guard since the gun was still a bit too close to its previous owner to your liking.

'Get off me you fucker!' grunted a restricted Harry.

'Sorry, can't do,' apologized with an awkward smile the blond man kneeling on the man under him.

'You got him, nice!' you praised Vash. The latter gave you a warm smile that made your chest feel all weird.

'Damn, that's a good job, boy,' interrupted Harold the old sheriff as he walked over, gun lowered to his side and a exhausted look on his face. 'I'll be honest, don't know how you made it here but luck's looking out for this town 'cuz you made it just in time!' he added.

'Just glad I could help, sir,' sheepishly answered Vash.

'Now, Harry, son, I'm sorry to do this but I can't risk lettin' ya go and we can't keep you in a cell forever,' started the older man in a more serious tone, pointing his gun towards Harry's head, 'I'm sure you understand'.

'Wait! Wait no! He's not a danger anymore, there's no need for that!' exclaimed the blond outlaw in a panic tone.

'Don't get mixed in this, boy. This is town's business. I'm thankful for your help, really, but as a stranger this isn't something you have a say in. This man's a risk for this town and its people as long as he's alive.'

'There's no need for him to die! How's his death going to change anything? Just jail him, that's plenty!' insisted Vash getting more agitated.

'Vash!' you called out to him, unsure why he was so obstinate with sparing this man's life, 'he's a liability, the town can't risk him coming back or escaping from jail. What if he went for the plant again? Or worse?'

You walked over to him, speaking more gently in hope of getting through to him.

'This doesn't mean he has to die! We can't decide if this man lives or dies!'

You heart clenched at seeing Vash so full of dread, and yet you couldn't understand why he was pleading for the life of a man that didn't even care about it anymore himself. In fact, Harry had stopped struggling and, while looking still upset, seemed resigned to accept his fate.

Harold took a step forward. He wasn't going to change his mind or risk the lives of all these people just because a helpful stranger had asked him nicely. It was his job, even retired, to ensure that this town and its inhabitants would stay safe.

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