Ghosts from the Past

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'Doctor, have you established the connection yet?'

'No, although it shouldn't be much longer now. I'm quite surprised to see her system back online after so many years; it's a miracle.'

A stab of pain shot through your head followed by a sharp aching prickling at base of your nape. You cried out from the harsh sensations repeating over and over on a loop. Flinging you eyes open you tried to reorient yourself in the darkness surrounding you. You scrambled your limbs towards yourself from where you could feel them laying on a cold surface. Pushing yourself unto your knees, struggling to keep your eyes open from the constant attacking pangs of agony running from your temples and down your spine, you looked around trying to find something, anything that stood out in the abyss of nothing that faced you.

'Ah, there. The connection is very weak, her inputs are notably different now, however there should be no problem establishing communication.'

You looked around trying to find the source of the man's voice that was resonating around you, but nothing stood out apart from a noticeable decrease in the ache around your head and neck which finally allowed you to inhale fully. Taking a minute to catch your breath, you stood up, determined to at least attempt to figure out where you were.

But, as you barely had lifted yourself to your feet, another stab of pain cursed through you. As you groaned and raised a hand to your head in a weak attempt to calm the throbbing ache a voice echoed through the void once more. You quickly turned around, looking for its owner. It sounded different from the other man's voice from earlier, how many people were there? What did they want?

' -ess.' You caught the voice again. You flipped your head around again, getting frustrated at the situation.

That is, when you finally saw him; the figure of a man quite far away from you. Without hesitation you ran towards him. Friend of foe, it didn't matter at this moment. What mattered was that he was the only thing standing out in this darkness and your only hint at getting out.

As you got closer and the figure defined itself you started feeling hope take over your mind. It was hard to see since the man was facing away from you, but he had short blond hair and, even if his attire was different, he looked almost identical to a certain gentle criminal you knew. You accelerated, feeling invigorated by the sight of your friend. You weren't alone anymore in this scary dark place!

'Hey!' you call out when you had almost made it to the blond man.

'Va-!' you went to cry out again louder when he didn't answer. However, your scream got cut short when, as you were mere meters away, the man finally turned around to face you.

'Thess,' he said with a slight frown and harsh tone.

You stopped yourself so abruptly you almost tripped to the ground. The man in front of you was not Vash. Even if he resembled him, he was more muscular and his hair was lighter, his aura was anything but gentle. Shivers ran across your skin as the man took a step towards you. You felt inexplicably terrified of him and yet, at the same time, some part of your body and mind yearned for him.

'Come here,' said the man coldly, extending a hand at you.

You took a step back instinctively. However, as you did so and the frown on the man's face accentuated, you felt every fiber of your body freeze as if you had made a grave mistake.

'Do not run from me,' added the man as he stepped closer to you. 'You have been running for far too long.'

You stood frozen in place as the blond man closed the distance and stood mere inches from you, looking down on you with displeased crystal blue eyes. His face had strong traits as well as a wide pronounced jawline. His broad shoulders and toned physique emphasized by the skin tight suit he wore made you feel even smaller under his intense gaze. As much as he resembled Vash in certain aspects, everything else was the polar opposition, including the way he made you feel.

'I hope you feel better after your little escapade,' said the man in an ever-neutral tone as he griped your chin, forcing you to look up at him. 'Do you have any idea how much time and resources you have waisted me during that time?'. The pressure from his fingers on your face increased, making the hold painful as he pulled you closer to him. As calm as his voice sounded, the was a clear anger in the man's eyes and you groaned slightly at the aching tingling sensation building on your lower face.

'Now, be a good girl and tell me exactly where you are. I will send the Doctor to retrieve you at once.'

You didn't answer, both because you had a hard time opening your mouth but also because you did not want to give into the man's demands. Shooting a defiant look at him, you were surprised when he simply smirked and released you

'Did you get that stubbornness from years spent with those pesky humans?' he huffed a laugh and crossed his arms over his chest. 'No matter, you will be coming back to me soon. Willingly or not.'

He bended slightly, his face inches from yours and with a terrifying confident look in his eyes.

'Remember Thess; you are mine, my property. Never forget that.'


Springing upwards in bed, you gasped forcibly for air as your hand went to hold the side of your head where the remnants of a terrible pain was still felt. You flung your head to the sides, eyes darting into the darkness of the room to see if that blond man was still there. You released a shaky breath when everything looked normal and no threatening man was in sight and you even spotted Vash fast asleep on his bed next to yours.

You ran a trembling hand through your hair and down to the base of your nape where your tried to massage the tension and residual ache away. Closing your eyes you took several controlled breaths, grounding yourself in the moment and reassuring yourself that no matter how real it felt it had only been a dream. Nonetheless, your body refused to calm down even after several minutes, as if your unconscious perceived a real-life threat in that ominous dream.

Pushing the cover away, you stood up from the bed. You still wore Vash's spare clothes and hadn't phased through once again. After he had left in a hurry earlier that night you felt extremely guilty and worried that you might had pushed too far and tried to stay up waiting for him. But as the hours passed and anxiety got the best of you, you changed into his spare clothes since they calmed you down and eventually fell asleep before he had returned.

You tip-toed over to Vash's bed and looked over his sleeping face. You bit your inner lip feeling fear bubbling up in your stomach as you noted the resemblances between him and the other man from your dream. And yet, another fear was taking over as you looked at the blond outlaw's sleeping silhouette; would he despite you after earlier? Enough to leave you behind? Your hands started shaking slightly at the though as flashes of the terrifying man from your dream juxtaposed onto Vash's face.

Stepping away, you ran your hand through your hair multiple times, trying to make sense of that awful nightmare. Nothing that man said made sense, and yet, he had felt familiar and your instincts had kept yelling at you submit to him during that whole encounter. Were you finally going mad? Were you simply stressed?

You sighed loudly and walked over to the table. You went to pull a chair to take a seat, but expected to phase through considering the current state of your mind, so you got slightly taken aback when you succeeded on the first try with little to no effort. However, you felt too exhausted to think much more of it. You sat down and laid your head on your extended arm, using it as a pillow of sort, as the other was tucked on the table towards you.

Surely, the nightmare was just a result of the high emotions from earlier, right? You had to stay rational. You already let your emotions get the best of you once and look at the mess it caused, you thought looking at a sleeping Vash. Hopefully, he would forgive you. Your mind ran in circles for several more hours until it eventually crashed and you fell back into a dreamless sleep this time around.

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