Two Drinks

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The third moon was starting to rise as you made your way back to the saloon. It was well into the evening and the place was alive with people gathered from all over town. This is why this place was your favorite, you thought as you bent down under the swinging door and entered the popular establishment.

It seemed even busier than usual tonight, but it might have been just how loud the place was this evening. Everyone was gossiping on what had happened earlier that day, even the crusty men in the corner had stopped their hands from wondering on the girls and were listening in to what they had to tell. You rolled your eyes and shook your head at the scene and walked over to the bar where Jay was still working as hard and expressionless as always.

You realized why the place felt busier than normal as you got closer; someone had taken your seat! Well, it was technically your seat, but being in the corner and a littler crooked no one had ever bothered risking sitting on it in years. But tonight, this weird blond dude had gone and made himself quite cozy on it while sipping his drink.

You pouted a little, but only briefly as you remember what had made you run all the way over here so fast in the first place. With long strides you joined the bar and threw yourself on an available seat next to the strange new man.

'Jay, Jay, Jay, on my lord Jay! Guess what? Guess what!' you loudly exclaimed, half your chest on the counter as you had a hard time containing yourself. The blond man next to you seemed to glance your way for a second but you paid it no mind, he had no idea you were there anyways, you thought.

'Jay, get me a drink! Cuz I won our bet ya stinky old fart!' You happily yelled when returning your full attention to the barman busy at work.

'Rita threw Harry's dumb ass on the street! I mean she didn't kill kill him, but she took all his shit: all his clothes, money and even his rusty old gun! Harry's basically a dead man walking, probably crying in an alley or beggin' Rita on his knees right now if you ask me!' you sat yourself back fully on the chair, trying not to cramp up laughing.

'That's kinda sad, what that man do to deserve that...?' .

Your eyes shot up, all laughter leaving your body at once as it seemed you heard the blond man next to you talk.

Taking a moment, you look around to see if anyone else might have gotten close enough to be talking so low and for you to hear them, but everyone was still in their normal spots.

You sighed, shoulder relaxing as you rested your chin in your palm, elbow on the counter. Don't lose your last screw now, you mentally reminded yourself.

You observed the barman quickly and efficiently preparing drinks on the other side of the counter and started craving one of those delicious alcoholic drinks he was so talented at making.

'Jayyy, I won so won't you get me a drink? pretty please?' you whined loudly, shifting your head to rest more comfortably on your knuckles now.

That's when you noticed it. You frowned in confusion at first, this weird blond man was now looking at you behind his round orange tinted glasses. Straight, direct stare of his blue eyes into yours. You flipped around, what could he possibly be looking at behind you? There was nothing but an empty cracked wall, nothing to even catch the eye.

Turning back around, you gasped as it seemed the blond man was still staring directly at you, a small smile on his face now. You frowned, this time in annoyance.

'Can you, like, not make me feel like you're looking at me, ya weirdo', you sighed while breaking what felt like eye-contact with the man and putting your chin on folded arms on the counter, resuming your observation on the barman. Man, now your mood was shit, you couldn't help but complain internally.

At least the creepy blond dude had stopped staring toward your direction. You hated the rare coincidences that made the small flicker of hope of being perceived by another human spark up again. It was always painful to put it out again. No one had seen, heard or felt you in over 2 decades, maybe more? You had a hard time remembering much before that and you'd often wondered if you had ever been a normal perceivable human in the first place.

Your brooding was cut short when the man next to you raised his hand to get the bartender's attention, 'can I get two beers please?' he called out.

His voice was clear and sounded quite young, which surprised you as he seemed very tall. It made you curious. Well to be honest, the whole man himself made you curious. For first, he wasn't from this town, you knew everyone in this run-down little town, even relatives that rarely came to visit. But then again, strangers weren't unheard off here, just rare. Second, what was up with the get up? The man stood out from miles away with his bright red coat and spiky blond hair. Maybe he was a travelling performer? To be honest, he was quite the looker, now that you took your time to examine him, so that was a possibility. Lastly, the man was probably nuts, entirely nuts for starring at empty walls. And, well, crazy people always attracted action and you could always use some fun in this boring little town!

Jay came back not long after with two tall glasses filled to the brim. You had the chance to catch a rare expression of confusion on the bartender's face as he set the drinks in front of the strange man. 'Your two beers,' he stated, lingering a moment as the man thanked him with a large smile.

As Jay walked away and you were still focused on studying the weird man, he stunned you once more by returning his gaze to yours. But then he did something that utterly shook you to your core, he pushed one of the glasses in your direction.

'You wanted a drink, no? Although, I'm sot sure why the barkeep isn't noticing you, that's kinda rude', he said softly looking apologetic as he kept eye contact with you.

You felt your heart stop, freeze and sink to your feet. Your breath was caught short and you could studently not hear anything or see anything but this bizarre blond man. Your mouth opened but you couldn't form any cohesive thought. Closing your mouth, gulping, you shakily stood back up in your seat, never breaking eye contact with those clear blue eyes starring back.

'Are you ok? Did I do something wrong?' asked the young man, his expression taking one of worry and guilt, 'is it about that thing you said about looking at you? I'm very sorry if that's it and I'm making you uncomfortable, I just felt bad you weren't getting your drink an-.'

'You can...see me?' you interrupted in a shaky voice.

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