O ye, of little faith

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Boiling water streamed over you, making your skin flush in an aching red shade under the overwhelming heat. You ran a hand through your wet hair, wincing sightly at the sensation of scalding water reaching your face.

Vash and you hadn't said anything else on the way back from the practice. Whether he felt that your mood had shifted or not, you couldn't tell, but you were glad he let you be walk in silence. Your mind was elsewhere, and you felt too exhausted emotionally to entertain small talk. By the time you had made it back to the Inn's room the first moon was already shining bright in the night sky and the cool breeze announced another freezing night. You avoided Vash's blue eyes as you told him you were going to shower, heading and closing the door to the bathroom before he had even a chance to answer.

It had already been around ten minutes of so since then. You simply stood in the shower, chasing away any thought, emotion or feeling under the scorching water. The stinging of your skin a sensation you didn't think you would have missed so much.

What was wrong with you? Why couldn't you just feel happy at having found someone that could see you, interact with? Why did you have to crave more? Want more?

You pushed your forehead against the cool tiles of the wall, hissing as the water hit your back. You weren't being reasonable; this wasn't like you. You needed to get a grasp on your emotions. Being logical and in control of your emotional state is what had kept you sane all these years, you couldn't forget that.

A loud slam was heard on the other side of the door. You lifted your head, wondering if maybe Vash had dropped something. However, through the running water you heard what sounded like loud voices arguing and more bangs.

Shutting off the water, grateful you could do so so easily lately, you perked an ear hoping to catch whatever was happening.

'Finally, fucking found you! So, this is where you've been hiding uh?' you heard an unknown man's angry voice come through.

What the hell was going on? You hurriedly got out of the shower and scrambled to put on some clothes. But as the sounds and arguing seemed to get worse, you barely put on your underwear and tank top before deciding you needed to step out to check if your roommate was alright.

'Vash?!' you called out as you flung the door open and rushed out of the bathroom.

He didn't answer you, however you spotted him at the entryway where a black-haired man was clutching the collar of his red coat. In his usual manner, the blond man had his hands raised and an awkward smile on as he seemed he tried to de-escalade the situation.

'C'mon Wolfwood, how was I supposed to know there was another Inn with the same name on the other side of town?'

'Didn't I tell you it would be on the West side of town?' replied the man in an exasperated tone.

You made your way over to the entryway carefully, picking an empty glass bottle from the table as you passed by. Thankfully the black-haired man was facing away and wouldn't see the flying bottle as you prepared to smash him over the head with it. However, as you got right behind him, lifting your arm to get a better swing in, Vash finally noticed you and his eyes widened.

'Luck! Wait- Don't!' he yelled at you with a worried look.

'What? Why? The dude's crazy!' you argued back, pulling your arm back more, getting ready to deal with the man assaulting your companion.

'He's a friend! He's not dangerous!'

'What the hell are you saying Needle-noggin?' cut in the intruder.

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