Calm before the Storm

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You woke up to a faint sweet smell tickling your nose which was still buried under the covers. Groggily pulling the blanket that was covering your face, you winced at the bright light shining in the room. Through the thick fog of drowsiness still plaguing your mind, flashes of last night slowly came to you making your heart race.

You regretted nothing, if anything, you felt quite upset at yourself for having denied yourself such a ground-breaking experience for so long. But then again, if you had known what that gentle blond outlaw could do to you from the start you would have not been able to keep your composure, or be any type of functional and reasonable being at all. Even now, just hearing his pants in the room as he was doing his morning workout had your mind running wild and body heating up.

You let a long sigh out; if keeping yourself collected and cool-headed had proved to be hard before, what was coming might as well be an Olympian task.

Turning to your side, you observed the blond man do his one hand upside-down push-up. It made sense to you now why he never used his left arm, and it just lit the fury inside of you at the memory of all those scars that covered him. Thankfully, the rage seemed to cool the sinful thoughts that refused to leave you alone.

Compared to his angelic form, Vash's regular appearance was must easier to take in, even if he still remained breath-taking. This man was absolutely a natural disaster; for women's hearts and ovaries at least.

A knock on the door startled you out of your wicked viewing of Vash's training. You clenched the covers over your curled naked body, suddenly realizing how vulnerable you were, especially with your back the door.

Vash easily jumped back unto his feet, and you quickly shut your eyes, hoping he wouldn't notice you had awakened already. You carefully listened to his footsteps and laboured breathing as he went to see who had knocked.

'Oh! G'morning Wolfwood, what's going on?'

'Good morning to you maybe, Needle-Noggin,' answered the priest in a grumpier voice than usual.

'Uh?' you could hear the confusion forming on the blond man's face, mirroring your own.

The preacher grunted in what sounded like exasperation.

'Forget it. We're getting this Gazelle-asshole tonight, so prep up. When ya ready, tell me; we can discuss details.'

'Tonight? Why the rush?'

'Cuz we're running out of time, Spikey; Knives knows we're in a city near Amarillo, won't take long to check this one. Also, I don't wanna do this on more than one night of no sleep, and I have a feeling it's not gonna get easier to sleep in the future,' he explained in quite the annoyed tone.


'Just tell Ghosty to either tune it down or turn on her mute ghost mode or something next time, ok?' There was a groan, 'bring her along when ya ready, we could still use her tricks.'

There were footsteps before the door closed. You were positively dying of embarrassment at Wolfwood's words. You wouldn't normally have felt shame for such a thing, but something about the priest having heard you and knowing he wouldn't waste a single opportunity to make fun of you for it, just preemptively made your skin crawl with awkwardness.

In your moping it took you a moment to realize Vash was muffling his laughter by the door.

'Shut it!' you warned him, but couldn't hold back your whining tone.

'Oh? Did I wake you up by being too loud? So sorry', he answered you in a light tone, feigning innocence at the double meaning of his words. 'Should I go tell Wolfwood so he feels better?'

"Ghost" Trigun x readerWhere stories live. Discover now