I have lost my mind!

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                          Rudra Malhotra

"Hey! I have a good news to share to you. We are really close to that hacker. I just need your office for tonight and the work will be done."
Aanya said on call.

"Why tonight?" I asked confused.

"Because I have really important and back to back meetings today and I do not want to delay your work. Vikrant told me you guys have an important project coming up." She said.

"You don't need to stretch yourself too much. Do it tomorrow. No need to work at night." I said rolling my eyes.

Workaholic ass!

"Awwww.... Do you care about me Malhotra. So sweet of you honey, but I have no other option." She said sarcastically and I almost gagged at her calling me honey.

"Don't think too high of yourself. If you stay over here to work. I'll have to wait with you, and I do not like to compromise with my sleep." I said.

"That is your problem not mine. Deal with your problems yourself." She said giggling and then hung up on me.

Such a brat!
How dare she hang up on me like that!

I sighed and walked out of my cabin towards the IT department.

I don't understand what the fuck are they doing to resolve this matter.

Just when I got out of the elevator. I saw a group of guys gathered near a cubicle and laughing about something.

This is what they do?

"I don't understand what could she possibly do? I mean come on, have you looked at her? She looks like she is straight out of college and that too a girl!" One of them said and I decided to stop at my place and listen to what they have to say.

"I know man. Hiring her is a total waste of time. Boss should have known better and hired someone who actually had any experience in this." The other one said rolling his eyes.

Is this all about Aanya?

"But have you looked at her? She is soo fucking hot. Arnav is soo damn lucky to work with her. He gets to stare at that perfect ass!" Another one said chuckling and I clenched my jaw.

Seriously? Is she a fucking object?

"You will be lucky enough if I let you walk out of this building without a bruised face." My voice boomed in the hallway and all the heads turned towards me.

"Sir." The IT head came out and looked at me horrified.

"First look how competent all of you are and then question anyone else. Just a bunch of idiots sitting over here who cannot do one job they have been hired for and you are questioning her?" I said with raised voice and glared at the guys.

They looked at me terrified.

"And what did you say? That too a girl? That one girl is more efficient than all of you guys combined. Uske samne khade hone ki tumhari aukat bhi nahi hai." I said glaring hard at him while my hand was itching to just break his jaw restructure his face.

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