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Okay.. Here goes.

So this is going to be really hard to do. (That's what she said.)

But no, seriously. Listen up. Are you listening? Are you up? You'd better be.

Yesterday when I found Liam's note I also discovered something terribly horrifying. Even more terrible than if the world exploded or Louis died (which are both equal on the level of terribleness, by the way).

Deep breath. Okay.

I'm running out of pages in my journal.

Dont freak out, just keep it together its all going to be okay I promise.

Now this wasnt an unexpected scenario. I'll admit I have ranted many many times in this thing, gone on and on about my personal life and about random things that dont even matter, causing the horrid outcome that I have a total of 6 pages left. Just 6.

You realize that's less than the number of days in a week?!

And less than the number of legs on a table?? No, wait. That's four. But if it was a table with more than 6 legs, that statement would be true. Spider legs! It's less than the number of legs a spider has. So not table legs, spider legs.

It isn't even double digits though!!

Just six.


I don't know if I could buy another journal, or, rather, I would buy one. You see, I have my life basically figured out for now, and I'm not sure getting a different book would really help. And,  this book helped my find true love. This book helped me realize the true me. This book helped me compare potato chips to life. Not another one. Not any book but this one.

I plan to keep it that way- with just this one diary. Er, scratch that. Journal.

Either way, I won't be writing anymore.

It's heartbreaking for me, honestly. Maybe I'll doodle something on the last few pages, or maybe I'll leave them blank and think back to them every once in a while- wonder what I could have doodled or would have written or you know, just wonder about things in general.

I would like to thank you for being there for me. For being the one person (well, book) I could count on at all times, for being extremely fantabulous and understanding and a very, very good listener. Sometimes that's all you need. Also thank you for humoring me and my awkwardness and quirks and helping me literally write a chapter of my life.

I am ready to start living.

Thank you.

-Harry Styles, author and lover

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