Entry Eighty-Two

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Entry Eighty-Two:

Remember before Louis and I were dating and I was really obsessing over that wedding he asked me to go to with him? And remember how I freaked out because he asked me to be his date, or plus one but still date? Well.

Louis and I went to that highschool sweathearts' couple wedding yesterday. And yes, as I had predicted, he did look good in that tux. (Like you had to ask.)

We even slow danced at the reception. It was magical. Even if I did step on his foot once or twice.. But he just laughed. That's something I love about Louis.

Oops, did I say 'love'? Hm.

I still don't know the bride and/or groom's name. Louis has told me like a dozen times and I'd say,"Right, how stupid of me to forget." And then he'd say,"You aren't stupid, Hazzabear," and then he'd kiss me. I think my mind keeps forgetting on purpose to that he will kiss me again. I'm not sure if I should be thankful for this or not, but it seems like something I'd do..

Oh, yeah. 'Hazzabear'. That's me.

We came up with these super-adorable nicknames for each other. Like those couples do that make no sense or make too much sense and they call them each other while they're out with other people and it makes the other people want to stab their eyeballs out with a fork.

So yeah. We're 'that couple'. At least I don't call him 'sweetcheeks' in public.

But you know what? I was watching that bride and groom and how much they loved each other, their adoration kind of radiating through the room and when they were pronounced husband & wife, and they kissed and knew they would be together forever.

And I looked over to the guy standing next to me who was applauding and crying and smiling as they leaned in for another kiss, and I realized how much I loved him. It was like a wave of the ocean, overpowering and defiant, and I wondered:

What would it be like to be married to Louis?

-Harry xx

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