Entry Four

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Entry Four:

Yes, Im back. This time with no excuses. You know, I think I kind of like being able to say whatever I want. Get it out. And you can't judge me or smart mouth me or resent me or anything. You just have to listen, mwahahahaha.

Today Louis told me that he and Eleanor are going to move in together. I wasn't shocked, but in a way I was. I mean they'd been dating for FOREVER and he really seemed to like her but I thought the love would just die down and shrivel up and turn to dust and be sucked into a black hole of emptiness where it wouldn't bother another individual (especially me) again. And he'd never leave me, right? Right?? We're BEST FRIENDS. Together til the end,though. Maybe he was kidding. If not he's getting ahead of himself.

She'll say no. She has to.


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