Entry Eighty

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Entry Eighty:

Oh oh oh! Yes, Louis and I are dating.Did I tell you that before? Saturday is our 5 month anniversary. We told our families like a week after he asked me to be his boyfriend, which was a couple days after we first kissed. We told the boys the day after. Everyone jokes that we're practically already married. We both know we want to be but I think we both also just kind of want to have a while to get used to being an "us". We lived together before, so that wasn't a huge change, but we don't want to take things too fast. None of the fans know we're dating, though, and that bugs me but managment is angry enough having a gay couple in the band, so won't let us say anything. I don't think I took a single breath writing that.

And that whole Nick thing wore off. We aren't even friends now. I don't think I did anything wrong though. Did I? Life is much easier without him, to be honest. Was that mean?

Did I ever tell you what Louis said about Eleanor? He told me she was really just a friend, he didn't have feelings for her at all. He said that he liked me from the start but he didn't want to let himself fall head over heels bacause I was his pal, and how weird would that be? (This just goes to show how smart Louis is. And adorable becasue well.. that's just him.) And I asked him why he got so upset when they broke up, and he told me he was worried he'd start to love me more and I wouldn't love him back and then everything would be a gigantic mess. When they got back together he was happy because he had another chance to proove to himself that he was straight. Aw, I made him question his sexuality. Is that a good thing?

Anyway, we're just like any other couple now. (Except not presented to the public.) And we are really a perfect match, I think.

What did I leave out? Anything? Hm.

-Harry xx

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